Mornin'. Yeah, it seems like Monday comes around at least once a week. Crazy.
I have a (former) customer in a panic this morning. He decided to move his site to a "free" hosting service (He'll end up paying the same once he gets all the "add ons" that he'll need). Today, his email isn't working and he's trying to get me to help him. Sorry, dude, I'm not your host any more, I can't help you with their system.
I've been on a reading kick lately. I decided to get a Kindle. I ordered it this weekend. I'll probably keep it in my backpack which will make my wife happy not having books sitting around on the headboard, in the living room, etc. Now, when JR and I put on our Speedos and go to the beach for the day, I'll be able to read my books and he won't.
Good day, all. Yes... we are again beset with the Monday. It is going to be a long one for me. I have my normal workday plus a major network activity this evening so I will hopefully catch a break later this afternoon to go home and get some rest before coming back to work at 11 for an all nighter... subsequently followed by my Tuesday.
Web and JR rockin' the Speedo's... as long as there is a YouTube video, go for it. Someone has to validate that they were so brave.
Ah well... Monday on all.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. I could use another day home. It was a busy weekend and not much got done around my house. I have had a headache since Saturday. It was tough yesterday, especially late in the day. I still woke up with it this morning. I wanna go home, do laundry, the dishes, vacuum and take a nap.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Kindle sounds convenient, but I bet it doesn't come with that comforting "book smell".
DS, I am with you on that one. Electronic readers may be convenient and help cut down on clutter, but I am happiest when I have a book (or a guitar) in my hands.
I too love the smell of books as well. Next to fresh mowed grass, is there a better smell?
I can do without the mental image of Web and JR in Speedo's however.
Web, let me know how you like the Kindle. I'm actually surprised you didn't go with the Nook, it seems like more your style.
I mainly chose the Kindle because I already do so much with Amazon. I buy all my music there now and that "one click" is so convenient. I'd rather keep it all at one place.
The recipe for the best tasting oatmeal raisin cookies can be found in the I HATE TO COOK BOOK by Peg Bracken. In her book she says they bear the same relationship to the ordinary oatmeal cookie that the Rolls Royce does to the bicycle.
OMG! That is not a lie. I could eat my weight in them.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)