I agree with his comnent to a point and that is not where I am going with the thread, but it gave me this idea.
Who would you assassinate if you could? No religious beliefs allowed, I am not asking you to kill anyone, this is strictly a "what if so and so never lived question."
Obviously Hitler comes to mind first. But he was not the first and will not be the last dictator, but he was ruthless none the less and scary how many followed him and still do!
I don't think I would, I don't believe I have the right to make that decsion, but thats just me, don't get me wrong there are plenty of people who maybe should not be allowed to live, but what gives me the right to decide which ones should die and live!
I think you all are off base. I am not asking you to do it, just wondering what the world would be like without certain people. But I guess God is just testing our will power to succumb to such evil in this world.