I hit the 20,000 word mark this weekend. Now my DH (darling husband, most of the time) is pushing me to get 70,000 this month instead of 50,000. I don't know about that just yet. Maybe if I get anywhere close to 40,000 next weekend, but I think I'm going to hit a brick wall one of these nights.
Good day, all. It was a fun and interesting weekend in my world... all cept for the Chiefs lost in OT on Sunday. AH well... them's the breaks.
I'm gearing up for yet another Monday-funday. In the office til around 4 or 4:30, then I go home for a bit of a break and come back at 9:30 to work into the wee-small hours of the morning.
Mz... good luck with the book.
More later when I actually wake up.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I saw about the last 2/3 of the Chief's game, Mema. It was a close one.
Mrs Web's cousin is here for a couple more days. They went and got tattoos on Saturday.
It was so nice this weekend. I was able to get two coats of white elastomeric coating on the new rubber roof. I might get one more coat on today just because I have enough left over to do it again. It doesn't really "need' the coating, but the white coating will help keep the black rubber cooler in the summer. Plus, the coating will just help the rubber last that much longer.
Morning all. I am here doing stuff. Also trying to decide how I should spend my last two unscheduled days off. I have 7 weeks to use them or lose them. I already schedule the week between Christmas and New Year's and the Friday after Tukey Day. With holidays, already time planned off and times I absolutely have to be here, I probably only have 3 weeks to find 2 days.
Good job on all the words Mz.
After the Eagles game, CBS rolled us into the Chiefs game. Sorry M.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Gonna go vacuum out the car before it's too cold for such stuff. Then I'll go over-pay for some gasonline.
I seem to be hitting the price spikes perfectly for the last four months.
I need to fill up roughly every three weeks, the week before always seems to be a low price, the week OF the fill-up is always a crazy spike, and then the week after it drops considerably. Maybe I'll fill up next week even though I won't need to and see if I can beat the system!
Mrs Web got a treble clef with a couple small stars by it. She says that "music is my life" and that's why she got it. I'm a little surprised she didn't get something with a "KU" (for Keith Urban). It's about 2.5" tall and is about 4" above her right ankle. I'll admit that it's done really well, sharp and crisp.
Her cousin got a design with graphics to indicate "Sun, Moon, & Stars". Her's is also on her leg about the same place as Mrs Webs. She got her's because her son has a similar tattoo.
As far as what I think of it? I'm not upset over the tattoo itself. I really don't see the point though. I think tattoos are currently a fashion statement. Fashions will change, tattoos are permanent. I don't see tattoos as making you "cool" or anything else. Who you are as a person is who you are. A tattoo is just ink in your skin.
I'm more upset that she didn't talk to me at all about it than the tattoo itself. I knew that they were talking about it, but I didn't say anything to see if she'd get my input at all. She didn't. She's talked to 50 other people before doing it, but not me. She really has the attitude of "I can do what I want, and if you don't like it, too bad". I guess she's right, and that's true, but after the way our relationship has gone over the last year or so, the "I don't care what you think" attitude over this is just one more to add to the pile.
I can see both sides of that issue. She is your wife, she is a representation of you and your family, therefore it would be good for her to considered your opinion before altering her appearance. The other side of the coin is that she is still an individual and should have the ultimate say in regard to her own body. One gets to control so few other things in the world.
Hopefully this is something she put a lot of thought into and is really meaningful to her since it is effectively permanent. Tattoos can of course be somewhat removed, but not fully. It does sound as if it was tasetfully done, and it is not a horrible or offensive design.
Perhaps it is just some sort of "mid-life crisis" that has now been acted upon and will pass. If that is the worst of it, then I would say you are in pretty good shape.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I can see where Web's going with that. Asking for permission and asking for an opinion are different. It would have just been respectful if she had asked for his opinion, especially since he's supposed to be one of the people that's most interested in her body.
What she decides to do with his opinion is entirely up to her.
Me too. I'm happy because I'm only 5 miles from work and I can walk to the grocery store, so my driving is a lot less than it used to be already. But next spring I want to start biking a bit too. I can't stand spending $50 to fill up my car.
The grocery store is a bit too far to walk, and I'm not sure how I'd get my groceries home. I was walking to the Farmer's Market, but carrying everything back was cumbersome.
My excuses for not walking to work are pretty lame. "It takes too long." It takes 15 minutes. "It's too cold." Suck it up and stop being a wussy!
Pardon me, just talking to myself... Maybe I should bring Molly into the conversation.
Think I'm gonna cruise on over to MO to fill up with gas this afternoon. I know it was $1.72 on the KS side as of this morning. It was down around $1.54 recently, but of course I had a full tank right then.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hopefully this is something she put a lot of thought into and is really meaningful to her since it is effectively permanent. Tattoos can of course be somewhat removed, but not fully. It does sound as if it was tasetfully done, and it is not a horrible or offensive design.
Yes, it's tasteful and is not offensive.
It's a long story with the cousin, and one that I can at least see her reasoning for the tattoo. A long time ago, when she was still a teen, the cousin had a baby that she gave up for adoption. She later got married (and is still) to a guy who she had another son with. A couple years ago, she somehow got reconnected with her first son. They talked some, but that was about it. A few months ago, the first son (now in his late 20's) got in trouble and needed a place to live. They let him move in with them (temporarily). This has put a big stress on the whole family. Dad is living with his wife's son from another guy, and their son also moved back for work and has had to come back home to live. So, the 1/2 brothers are also now living together and they are VERY different from each other. The 2nd son is the one with the "Sun, Moon, Stars" tattoo and she wanted to get a similar one to show him that he is still her first priority and that she has the connection with him.
That I can sort of understand.
As far as my wife, it seems like its more about "getting a tattoo" than what the tattoo is of, or what it means to her. It was more "I want a tattoo . . . what shall I get?" kind of thing which I don't understand.
The grocery store is a bit too far to walk, and I'm not sure how I'd get my groceries home. I was walking to the Farmer's Market, but carrying everything back was cumbersome.
My excuses for not walking to work are pretty lame. "It takes too long." It takes 15 minutes. "It's too cold." Suck it up and stop being a wussy!
Pardon me, just talking to myself... Maybe I should bring Molly into the conversation.
My grocery store is literally the other side of my parking lot, so I have no excuse.
I try to walk there for a bag or two every couple days. Once a week I take the car to get heavy stuff.
I have no idea why gas prices are going up at this time of year. Shouldn't they be dropping?
And here is me not trying to be mean or anything, but how much is Mrs Web into "music"? I know we are all fans in some form. But for one to take a step as Mrs Web did over the weekend, I would think that she does more than listen and buy songs. I could see something like that particular tatoo if she were an artist, sang in the choir or wrote, studied or taught music.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Mad Mema wrote:Think I'm gonna cruise on over to MO to fill up with gas this afternoon. I know it was $1.72 on the KS side as of this morning. It was down around $1.54 recently, but of course I had a full tank right then.
The lowest it is around here is $2.80/gal. Most are in the $2.85-$2.89 range.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
WebGuy wrote:As far as my wife, it seems like its more about "getting a tattoo" than what the tattoo is of, or what it means to her. It was more "I want a tattoo . . . what shall I get?" kind of thing which I don't understand.
Perhaps that is the question to ask her... what made her decide that she wanted a tattoo of any kind?
There could be any number of reasons:
1) She might have just gotten caught up in the fun of hanging out with her cousin and wanted to participate in this "big event" in her life. Kind of offering the ultimate in validation.
2) Perhaps she feels like she just wanted to do something "wild and crazy" instead of being just like everyone else in her social/work setting. She went through a lot on the job front recently, and the fall out from all that. Maybe this is some sort of delayed reaction to all that.
3) Maybe in her mind, tattoos are "out there" and it makes her feel more interesting or more attractive just having one.
4) Could be that she knows of your opinion of tattoos in general and was kind of smacking you for some reason.
I'm not making a value judgement on her decision or your reaction to it... just saying these are all possible explanations for why.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good for you that you aren't going to war. That is never a good option, and besides... kinda too late. Not like she can just wash it off.
Odds are if the reason she didn't ask your opinion is in the #4-ish area, she probably was more going with the idea that it is easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask "permission". Even though asking an opinion is not asking permission, if she knows your feelings on it then why bother talking about it? Probably figured that if you really felt strongly on the matter and you knew that she was talking about it you would probably speak up without being asked. Silence kind of equals implied approval... therefore she figured it would be okay.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.