I'd like us all to take a moment to applaud all the countries that have stepped up and announced their aid packages they are assembling for shipment to the US.
You know, all those countries that bitched and moaned at how the great satan only originally offered $50 million for the Tsunami, or continuously bitch and moan that we don't do enough despite the fact we aid basically EVERY foreign country ANYTIME something bad happens to them.
Now let's see, where to start with our thank you card list.
Hmmm, that's odd, I can't think of a single country that I've heard has stepped up and made an offer.
Shall we stand on the shores and wait to help unload those freighters of food and clothing?
I mean, it's the least we can do. I've got some time on my hands. My job is basically pointless now that gas is $3.00 a gallon, I could quit it and go help out down there. ARE YA WITH ME!?!?!?!
I'm sure OPEC will ease prices so the burden on all of us won't be as great.
My knee-jerk response is to circle the wagons and say the hell with everyone else cause you're either with us or against us.
Maybe all of those critics that cried the U.S. didn't give enough to the Tsunami effort will be just as quick to point their fingers at the likes of France...as an example.
No, We do not go begging others to help. Maybe this time we should. How far can we be stretched?
Hey Ray, let's be grateful though, I mean oil prices are high now, but can you IMAGINE how high they'd be if we hadn't gone into Iraq to take their oil?
We'd probably be paying $10 a gallon right now if we hadn't gone in and seized our own supply.
If they didn't help with the efforts of 9/11, why would they help now? Most countries are probably sitting back and saying good for them, they deserved it.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.