I'm impressed. Did you crop the picture to get the moon to look so big? Or use a telescope? Or is that just using the zoom on your camera?
I did crop the picture down to this size, and yes, I had the camera zoomed all the way in.
The lens is an 18mm - 135mm but the camera has a 1.6x sensor so that makes it the equivalent of 216mm max zoom on a 35mm film camera.
I'm looking forward to a full moon rising on the horizon when it appears even bigger and yellow/orange. I'll see what I can come up with next time that happens.
I'm impressed. Did you crop the picture to get the moon to look so big? Or use a telescope? Or is that just using the zoom on your camera?
I did crop the picture down to this size, and yes, I had the camera zoomed all the way in.
The lens is an 18mm - 135mm but the camera has a 1.6x sensor so that makes it the equivalent of 216mm max zoom on a 35mm film camera.
I'm looking forward to a full moon rising on the horizon when it appears even bigger and yellow/orange. I'll see what I can come up with next time that happens.
If you REALLY have your heart set on getting a shot of a full moon I could always call you the next time I'm getting into the shower.
I would love to get a picture of the moonrise, but it is so hard to do since I am at work or on the way home when it starts to appear. Maybe I can get something on th next round. I'll have to check the date, but if it is closer to the endc of next week, I may have a chance.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
According to Google calendar, the next full moon will be the 21st. Does the huge, colorful moonrise happen at the same time as a full moon? I've never paid that much attention before.