But, you gotta let this stuff out or your appendix could burst (I read that somewhere).
I've noticed A LOT lately how many great ideas, particularly in the area of the internet have started out on a cool concept and eventually lost their way.
Today I submit to you Overstock.com
Originally designed as an outlet site for things they bought in bulk, or at clearance, or through liquidation or bankruptcy, etc.
Over the last few years I've found that I rarely shop there anymore because they've essentially become just another retailer and not even a low-priced one at that.
Today I got the perfect example.
Looking to replace the $14.99 laptop cooling pad I bought at Office Depot (hardly a low-price leader itself) I found the exact same model at Overstock.com. The detail page said the price was so low they only would show it when it was in my cart. So I put it in my cart.
The price? $23.99! That's a full 60% more than Office Depot!