Good morning all! It's downright cold and windy here this morning, and the weatherman says it's only going to get colder tonight into tomorrow. Have I mentioned that I really, really hate winter??
I had quite the ordeal yesterday. Had to go to the dentist due to an upper molar bothering me. Thought I'd need a root canal but the dentist said there was no way to save the tooth so I had to have it extracted. Four shots in and my mouth still wasn't numb, so he decided to cut the tooth into pieces and extract it a little at a time. He got two pieces out, started on the third and YOWZA!!!! So he stuck another shot in, still wasn't numb. He ended up putting three more shots directly into the socket...finally got it numb and was able to get the last piece out. He couldn't believe it; said he's never had to put that much novacaine into someone's mouth to get one tooth out. Ten minutes after he finished, my mouth was completely unfroze! He said I should've been numb for hours with that much novacaine. Talk about pain!! mouth and cheekbone are still very sore this morning, and I have a bit of a black eye. I hope I never have to have another tooth taken out because that was the worst pain I've ever been through! At least I got some good drugs to help dull it down somewhat, but wow, I don't want to ever do that again!!
Morning all. It's cold and windy but the sun is out. Let me know when it is naptime. It has been some late days for me here this week. I would really like to leave close to on time this evening. We'll see.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good day, all. It is brutally cold here again today. Presently 7*, but with the wind chill they say it feels like -6*. I disagree.... it feels much colder than that. Got about 3 inches of snow last night. That isn't so bad, but I hate having to go shovel first thing. I should have bothered to be a little more awake before hitting that... now my back is stiff and sore. Gonna be a great day... I can feel it already.
Geez, Ghost! That sucks. Sorry to hear that was so horrible. Hope the meds really do take the edge off... or at least make you not care that you are in pain.
Hope everyone has a great day. I'm going to try to get motivated to get some work done. Good luck to me with that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yowch, Ghost! I would rather give birth to 8# twins than have tooth pain! Sorry you had to go through all that. Hope the pain meds make you comfortably numb
I've been lurking around the past few days, but trying to play catch up for the days we missed at work last week and yup, it's snowing again -- so far about five inches -- but it should taper off by quittin' time. By this weekend we might be in the mid-50's! YAY! And hopefully this will be winter's big sign off!
The kids might have to give up Spring Break to make up for all the missed school days. Other options are to make it up on Saturdays & Teacher Professional Days; or going through the first week or two of June -- THAT would stink for seniors!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
In my senior year of high school, they tacked a bunch of snow days on at the end. We ended up having our graduation ceremony before we graduated, even before we took our finals. That sucked.
The kids might have to give up Spring Break to make up for all the missed school days. Other options are to make it up on Saturdays & Teacher Professional Days; or going through the first week or two of June -- THAT would stink for seniors!
If we go over our allotted snow days, the seniors still get out/graduate on time. MI builds extra hours into the regular school year just for that reason. The way the school calendar is set up right now, my daughter will be out of school a whole week before graduation; she graduates on June 2nd, her last day of school will be May 26th. Anyone that's not a senior won't be out of school until June 9th, and it's even later if they use up all the snow days.
The school districts have used up all their snow days plus what looks like will be 4 days IF they get to go back on Monday. This year we had 5 snow days built in. Honestly, I really don't know how it will affect graduating seniors if the school year is extended. I imagine the simplest thing to do would be to have the ceremony on schedule and have them attend the week after, like Mz did.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Wow Ghost. I've been thinking a lot about the dentist lately because I plan to finally get back into going on a regular basis this year. Your story doesn't exactly inspire me! I hope it's not to painful for you the next few days.
I'm annoyed today because I seem to be getting sick again. I ruined the end of my extended Christmas vacation by getting some weird cold-like illness and now six weeks later it feels like the same thing is coming back.
Not sure if it's allergies (though this time of year that seems unlikely) or sinuses, or just a cold.
It started with a day of soreness in the back part of the roof of my mouth. I actually thought maybe I just poked it with a tortilla chip at the bar or something. Then I started feeling drainage, and now my throat while not sore feels very odd when I cough and feels kind of raw (maybe from the drainage?). At any rate I feel fine otherwise, it's all in my head. Literally.
I remember going ten years with nothing more than a very mild annual cold. Boy, those days are long gone.
JR, that sounds like a good ol' case of post nasal drip. It's probably just dust. If you haven't dusted recently, it could be building up. Or if you dusted just a few days ago, you could've stirred it up enough to get a nice whiff of it.
Doctor Mz prescribes Claritin D (the decongestant is important in this case) and throat spray.
I highlighted the ones that applied to me. (sorry, that third from last one is probably TMI).
Sounds like this could be my issue, particularly the chronic sore throat. It's not that my throat is sore constantly, but it seems like at least a few days every week or two it'll be sore, particularly after waking up.
We'll try some Claritan-D or something similar.
MZ, go ahead and send me the bill for the office, eh, FORUM visit.
Dust is really getting to me this winter too. When you get the throat spray, don't get the zinc kind, that's for colds. Get the kind that numbs you so much if you mis-spray, you'll be drooling for the rest of the night.
Dust is really getting to me this winter too. When you get the throat spray, don't get the zinc kind, that's for colds. Get the kind that numbs you so much if you mis-spray, you'll be drooling for the rest of the night.
Well MZ, I really do think you were onto something yesterday. The more and more I think about it, it all makes sense. Going back the last three or four years the signs were there, I just never put em' together.
I didn't get any medication because with the high blood pressure I have to be careful what I take and I didn't feel well enough yesterday to want to deal with it. This morning when I got home from work I filled the bathtub and both kitchen sinks with water. I also filled a bucket of water and put it next to the heater to try and get some moisture in the air. I slept better and woke up less agitated than yesterday.
Now I just got back from K-Mart where I bought two steam humidifiers for the apartment. At some point I'd like to buy one of those big floor standing units. But I think increasing the humidity in here will be a huge help.
I keep a humidifier in my bedroom for whenever the heat is on. It is too dry without it.
If you don't have a humidifier available, putting a pot of water right on the heating vent can help. It'll warm up the water and moisten the heat a little.
That remids me, when was the last time I changed the filter in the heater? Guess I'll have to look into that. I may have done that right before I turned the heat on in November.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.