With the exception of working for the government, does anyone get this day off any more? Our schools are even in session today. (I'm guessing to make up for a snow day.)
Obviously I'm at work, or else I wouldn't be able to post this. I think I'm getting sick, but if anything, I'd come to work just for the internet connection.
Good day, all. I lucked up into having the day off today. The company is compensating us for some other holiday that falls at a weird time or something. Normally I'd be at work today. I'm really pretty glad that I have another day off... could use the break.
Not sure what I'm going to do with today. So far I'm doing some laundry. Not that exciting. I might go out and look at some flooring later. We'll see.
Hope everybody has a great day. Get feeling better Mz.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mz, our local government is open but State and County are closed. Most of the banks are closed. All of our schools would have been open today except we got 9 inches of snow last night so it's a snow day.
I'm sitting here trying to decide if I should attempt to start the snowblower. It's been giving me problems this winter; I think it's time to buy a new one but my husband says not yet even though he has to tinker with it for a while before he can get it working. Maybe I'll just stay in and work on my daughter's FAFSA instead. I hate the FAFSA! I think it's worse than doing tax returns.
Hope everybody has a good day!
Edit: I just completed the FAFSA, and wow, it's so much easier this year because through their site you can link all federal tax return info now!! Yay!! About time they did this!
-- Edited by ghostdancer on Monday 21st of February 2011 10:21:10 AM
Morning all. I am in the office. Been busy. Blah. Interesting how it was 69* on Friday and it snowed last night. Not much, just a coating on the grass and car. We are due for a few inches tonight.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
So my throat is sore and my voice is fading. It's to the point where most people haven't noticed that I'm getting hoarse, but they keep asking me to repeat myself. It's actually quite frustrating, because when someone says, "What?" my first instinct is to repeat what I said louder, which is probably killing my voice even more.