Emily had her first dance lessons yesterday and she was sooo excited to tell me all about Ms Susan her dance teacher. I asked her what did she learn at dance class and she said, and I quote:
"I learned that I am a handful!!!"
How true!!! That one has kept me laughing all night and still this morning!
Emily update- so I take the boy to a friend's house and we slow down once in the neighborhood to check out the lights- little E was there too. Anyway the boy tells me that there is a truck behind me and I say if he does not like my driving he can go around me. Emily asks me if I am being a crazy a$$ driver! I said Emily that is a bad word and she says- no it is not but crap is. CRAP CRAP CRAP now that is a bad word!
I told my boy about the time I got my mouth washed out with soap because I copied something my dad said. The phrase was, "Richard Nixon sucks." My son looked at me and said, "that really sucks, Mom."
No soap. Just the fair warning that I never got. Hey, my DAD said it. I was just repeating & I got in trouble. I didn't understand why he freaked out until much later. (I was maybe 5 or 6 when it happened)
So, the boy's been warned. I suspect he sneaks & says bad words when I'm not around. Never heard him though.
My wife's parents told me when she was about 3 she wouldn't eat her food so they told her starving kids in a 3rd world country would love to have what she wouldn't eat.
Her response....well box it up and send it to them then!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Since my daughter was about 3, we had this friend who would just shower her with gifts every time we saw her. Just little things but you know kids. Presents every time we went to Eileen's house just absolutely ROCKED. After a particularly profitable day for the girl (she was about 5) I said, "You are so spoiled!" She said, "I'm not spoiled. I'm just fortunate." It's become a mantra around here ever since.
Long before I became Mema, I was Auntie M. Really... that's what the nephews and nieces call me. When my nephew Alex was a baby, he and my sister lived with our mom. Mom had a bad habit of telling Alex "wait a damn minute" when he would pester her for attention. One day, I come walking in the house and start talking to Mom. Little Allie came running over (he was about 1 1/2) and throws his arms up at me and says "Down?" which was his way of asking to be picked up. I said "Just a sec, Allie. " He kept tugging my sleeve saying "I want down, Auntie M!" I kept saying, "You are down, Allie." Finally, he got really tired of waiting and yells "UP A DAMN MINUTE!" I snatched that boy up off the floor real quick after that. LOL!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
One time I was riding in the car with my mom, I was probably 10-11, and my mom, as was her custom, was yelling at the drivers in front of her. I think she said something about being late, when I replied, "Well, if these @sshole drivers-" and then proceeded to freak out and start rambling, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that..." I was let off the hook for that one, and my mom said the look on my face was priceless. That's definately where I get my road rage from, though!
I called a girl the B word and did not know why I got my mouth washed out with soap. Irish Spring at that. needless to say I did not just get the bar of soap in my mouth but I bit off a huge end. ICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!