Morning all. This week has been a long one for me this week. So far it is even longer than last week. And that doesn't even include being in here for six hours Saturday. Blah. I'm not really sure if I'm coming or going. I'll figure it out sooner or later.
We have had some rain last night, which will go through today into tonight, and then through tomorrow midday. Fun
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I don't envy you Fuzzy. I hope you get a break soon, but I know you have a couple weeks to go. Try scream therapy, you don't even have to leave your desk!
I had planned to stay later than I did last night, but I found myself staring blankly at the screen for a while. It's been a stressful day so far, so I'm probably going to stay later tonight too. But it's nothing like yours, Fuzzy!
Mz - nice to know someone will be around the office later too. I really want to be out of here by 7pm. We'll see. It'll be my shortest day in here this week if I can make it happen. Somehow there is a lot of paper on my desk, floor, boxes and it needs to go elsewhere. I also have to spend some time with the copier. And the postage machine. I am also trying to finish a few more PPT returns so the boss can review them before he leaves today. I had hoped to have everything finished, but that isn't looking good. I have four returns untouched and am presently finishing one. And he is leaving around 3pm. Oh well, I'll have to scan and send the rest to him.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good day, all. This week has been heinously long, hasn't it? I'm not even sure what happened to yesterday, though I vividly remember yesterday happening.
Pambo is back to work sort of. As of yesterday, she is doing the half day thing. Her current assignment is to be my little shaddow, so it should be fairly laid back for her for a while... I hope anyway.
The weather is still less than opportune, but is supposed to be kinda nice maybe tomorrow and Saturday. We will see how it goes.
Hope everybody is having a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.