Howdy all. The sun is out and it is warm. Someone will have to explain to me how we have had three days in a row (today will be the third day) that have reached 80+*. It is still April. Can't we just do the 70* and sunshine thing?
You can do it Mz! You probably have so many loose ends to tie up that the day will fly by.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I had a customer's shopping cart get hacked last night and a spammer got about 3,000 emails off before I could get it stopped. About 1/2 of those emails were bad addresses that bounced back so that means only about 1,500 of them were actually delivered. I disabled the directory that the cart was in which stopped the problem, but I had to call the customer this morning to talk to her about it. She said "oh, I don't even use that cart so you can just delete it".
Yay! That was easy.
I was afraid she was going to be all upset about having to pay her developer to come back in and clean up the problems in the cart.
Hi all! It's grey and gloomy here again; rained for a while this morning but at least we're in the mid 50s today; much better than the 30s we've had for the past few weeks. The rain has greened up the grass and it's so nice to see something other than "winter dead".
Mz, hope you have a great time on your vacation!! Soak up some sun and enjoy the beach for me while you're in Florida, ok??
Fuzzy, I'll take that 80 degree weather off your hands any time you want. I'm sick of the "winter that doesn't want to end" here!
Oh, wanted to ask you guys......anyone else paying over $4.00 for gas yet?? Yesterday it went to $4.19 here.
Did you ever have one of those days where you think the boss might be losing some of his mind? I'm having one of those days. I actually think he is trying to plow through all the stuff I left him last week. It isn't working so well. I think he is wasting time and doing more work than necessary because he isn't paying attention. He is sending stuff back and asking questions and what he is asking doesn't make sense. On one thing he didn't read the line that said do what I did and he was asking me why I did that. On the other he is telling me that things in the PDF I sent don't match the spreadsheet on the network. Uh, yeah they do. Wonder which file he was looking at.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Howdy everyone. I'm finally getting around to checking in. The bosses are gone and everyone else is convinced that the sky is falling Days like today remind me I'm absolutely sure that I wouldn't want to be stuck on an island with my coworkers.
We've been paying $3.599/gal for about a week now -- I'm sure I just jinxed that and this evening it will jump a dime
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Good day, all. Might I say that this friggin' day is a giant pain in my backside! So we got our letters of invitation (finally) yesterday and were just about to send off our visa application packets when one of the ladies who got around to sending hers yesterday told us that there is a problem with our letters of introduction. This after it only took me 3 tries to get all my stuff entered and printed out correctly. This process is just insane.
Gas here last time I looked was $3.79/gal. I did get some on Sunday at a truck stop in Missouri for $3.60/gal. Haven't looked to see if it has gone up in the last day or so.
Hoping the weather around here is on the up-tick. Presently it is cloudy and 50*. The forecast I saw this morning said it would be sunny and 66*. Not supposed to rain again until maybe Saturday... we'll see. I don't think anyone really knows.
Happily, I believe I have located a buyer for the massive gun cabinet from Donald's house. It will just make my day if that works out. I hate to have to sell it, but it is not physically possible to locate this monster in my house anywhere.
Hope everybody has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Perhaps the 4th time will be the charm on the applicaton to the Consulate of India.... assuming I can get a corrected Letter of Introduction from my employer.
I may have to take a few days off for stress relief just to get through this process.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.