This thread is dedicated to the times when "real" news services become more like celebrity gossip mags. (The recent royal wedding is the perfect example.) It seems like the news is taking a headline and beating that dead horse.
Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger are seperating? How sad.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a love child? Ah, okay.
The mother is part of his household staff? Go figure.
Maria Shriver has issued a statement? I don't care.
Such and such other public figure has said such and such to Arnold Schwarzenegger? I don't care.
Unless Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger are now going to invent the cure for cancer: I don't care.
I take that back. If it were an interesting porn collection (girls and goats, or some of that really weird japanese stuff), then I might be mildly amused.
Donald Trump running/not running for President.... what a joke. Don't care.
Mike Huckabee not running for President... Don't care... though it was mildly disconcerting seeing him play back up bass for Ted Nugent doing Cat Scratch Fever. It was just wrong.
Anything regarding the Winklevoss twins. Take your $67M that you sued Facebook for and STFU.
Anything regarding Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, or Britney Spears.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
They released the name of Arnold's Baby Mama. It's.... I don't care.
I want to note that everything that I post here is from the once an hour ABC news that Slacker broadcasts. I don't read the paper anymore, I don't go on news sites unless there's something in particular I'm looking for, and I'm not currently watching a half hour news show. With this being the only news I'm currently getting during the day, why can't it be of a little more quality?
I'm with you. I don't seek out the news. This is the stuff that pops up as I work or post.
You know what I care about? Passing legislation that would allow me to crash into someone who goes 10 MPH under the speed limit on a 2 lane road with a double yellow line...for 10 miles. That should be justifiable survival of the fittest.
I don't care that Oprah only has three network shows left. She's not dying of cancer or retiring for good. She's moving to her own network. I don't care.
WebGuy wrote: Even though I also don't care, I expect their marriage to be . . . . wait for it . . . . wait for it . . . . terminated!
Yeah, I came up with that all by myself.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson