Google's official statement: "Google's search results are generated by computer programs that rank web pages in large part by examining the number and relative popularity of the sites that link to them. By using a practice called googlebombing, however, determined pranksters can occasionally produce odd results. In this case, a number of webmasters use the phrases [failure] and [miserable failure] to describe and link to President Bush's website, thus pushing it to the top of searches for those phrases. We don't condone the practice of googlebombing, or any other action that seeks to affect the integrity of our search results, but we're also reluctant to alter our results by hand in order to prevent such items from showing up. Pranks like this may be distracting to some, but they don't affect the overall quality of our search service, whose objectivity, as always, remains the core of our mission."
After #1 there's plenty of "I hate Bush" websites represented, but like I said, I KNOW there's no way they set up the OFFICIAL GW Bush bio at the White House with a keyword of "Failure".
Unless Clinton set it up for him before he left office...
"Hey George, no hard feelings, I had a great eight years and never like Al anyway, to show I'm not mad let me set up your official White House biography ok?"
It is possible that all the links to GW's page that have "failure" in the link or heavy in the text could make it rank high in Google. Google puts lots of weight on relevant links.
So, I looked up the Wikipedia article on Googlebombing. The way I understand it, the George Bush biography does not have to have the keyword "failure" anywhere in it. In fact, if you click on More results, you'll see several other White House pages linked to the word as well. The way Googlebombing works is that people use the word 'failure' to link to Bush's bio, like so: failure
From the article, it appears it does not take a whole lot of links to do this. Usually Googlebombing is a deliberate attempt from Google users (not Google itself) to get a certain web page as the top listing for a certain word.
If you want to get higher rankings in Google, you need good terms in your own site, but getting other sites to link to yours with your best "key words" in the link will greatly help.
The first thing is to find out what the most popular key words are for what you offer. There is a site that for a fee will show you the most popular search phrases for a subject. In your case, let's say "80's Music" is a popular Google search term.
If that was the case, you would want to get lots of links from other good music sites like: 80's Music
Google is smart enough that if the site linking to you is about music, and it is a music link, that link will help. The more links like that you get, the higher you will rank for that term.
Another good strategy is to concentrate on key terms #'s 3 or 4.
The thinking is that there are still many thousands of searches on those terms each month and the competition for a top ranking is much lower. Some say that can yield better results than trying to fight it out with all your competition for the most popular terms.
I just read a story about this so I'm bumping it back up.
If you search Google for "Miserable Failure" you no longer get George Bush's bio. Aparently Google has figured out a way to stop "Google Bombing".
Hey, it is helping me though. I just did a search on my most relevant keywords and my business site is now on page 1 for those terms. I used to hover around page 3-4.