Screw this, it's 5-o-clock somewhere. Since we're all stuck in our offices, let's retreat into our own little world where we can all meet up together and have a few drinks.
I'll go with something simple and light that will continue to tear a hole in my stomach. Cherry lemonade vodka and Sprite Zero please. Will the kitchen be open for appetizers and snacks? It's best to have a snack while drinking.
I still need to try the whip cream flavored vodka. I'm going to put that in orange soda.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Such a bad darts night last night. We were slaughtered by the other team. I had a good first game, an okay second game and an awful third game. One of our guys did not shoot well or at least close to as capable as he is. The other team had a very good night, all of them. I'm still a bit grumpy from us having our butts handed to us.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'll go with something simple and light that will continue to tear a hole in my stomach. Cherry lemonade vodka and Sprite Zero please. Will the kitchen be open for appetizers and snacks? It's best to have a snack while drinking.
I still need to try the whip cream flavored vodka. I'm going to put that in orange soda.
Heck, we're an imaginary bar, it's got anything you want! Here, I'll put some peanuts out to get started.
2 shots Tequila Orange juice 2 dashes grenadine syrup
Pour tequila in a glass with ice, and top with orange juice. Stir.
Add grenadine by tilting glass and pouring grenadine down side by flipping the bottle vertically very quickly. The grenadine should go straight to the bottom and then rise up slowly through the drink.
And by the way, if anyone does follow through on the links to the games and decides to register on Kongregate (not required to play the games), friend me. I'm sure you can guess my username.
You can be the therapist and the designated driver
I would make a very poor therapist.
From what I gathered at my son's therapy appointment, all you really have to do is smile, nod a lot, and ask, "... and how does (did) that make you feel?"
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
WebGuy wrote:I'm VERY tempted to join in the drinking games . . . but unfortunately that won't help solve the problem.
Don't worry, we're not here to get drunk or hide from problems (maybe hiding from reality in this thread). We are simply here to have a few drinks, snack and relax. Just enjoy each other's company.
Come on Web. You know you would like a nice cold beverage.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.