Ever since Obama got his new credit card laws passed all my creditors have just found creative new ways to recoup their fee's.
What kills me is I'm very responsible with my credit, so I never dealt with over-the-limit fee's, late fee's, penalty APR's, or any of the stuff Obama wanted to "fix".
But now I'm paying more everywhere because the credit card companies have to get their money from everyone instead of just the ones who don't handle their credit properly.
The best credit card I have just informed me that starting August 31'st I'll have an annual fee of $49 charged to my account, BUT they're also starting a 1% cash back on all purchases offer.
So I've spent the morning changing all my autopay stuff (Netflix, Loudcaster, iTunes, etc.) to this credit card in the hopes I can spend $4,900 a year on it and offset the new fee.
I hate credit card companies. Interest rates are already high enough, these add-on fee's just p*ss me off.
For a long long time I was living debt free, and comparatively speaking I'm still not too deep in debt (no car loan, only a few credit cards), but I'm tired of having all of my cards contact me in the last year or two with substantial rate increases or new annual fee's.
I want to get back to debt free ASAP and stay that way. That's why I'm gobbling up all the overtime at work that I can until December.
I'm house poor, so I'll be in debt for years or until I win the lottery jackpopt. Other than that, I don't consider to have much debt. I have three left on the car and small credit card amounts. I usually pay them off. My problem is that a good second part time job for me would be during tax season. However, I'm stuck here for the better part of tax season. And there is no overtime when you are a salary employee.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.