When did the Kaiser Chiefs get added to the playlist, that one went under my radar, they are a great band, and there English, what more could you want. I love "I Predict A Riot", still haven't got round to getting there album but it is next on my list.
If you feel like adding any more tracks from there album JR, "Everyday I Love You Less and Less" is a fantastic track!
Just listening to the album now, yeah sorry, I'm having a short FFR break but anyway I just had to say that 'Employment' by the Kaiser Chiefs has to be the best album I have heard this year, I urge you all to get hold of it, sheer quality!
If I'm not mistaken I don't think we have any of their albums in our library. I blelieve the song we have on the playlist came from a pre-release the record company (each week we were getting a CD with 18 new singles on it). But I'll check and see. If we have it I can add some more.