How about both? I primarily use my left to write and hold utensils--however, I play sports all right handed--with the exception of tennis. I switch hands--got disqualified in the High School Finals for that. The other coach complained that I had to use exclusively right or left hand.
So, since left handed people are the only ones in their right minds, and right handed people are in their left minds, then I must have no mind at all.
KD7 is left handed, but I throw a baseball and bat right handed. I eat with left. My wife is right handed but she throws and bats left handed and eats right. In my family none of my kids are left handed.
I am a lefty, my wife is a lefty, my father-in-law is a lefty, my brother is a lefty, my mom is a lefty, and my dad used to be before they slapped his hand with a ruler and made him switch.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...