Last night I went to spend some time by my Dad. He was in a tremendous amount of pain because of what seems to be a pinched nerve in his shoulder (doctors assure us it's nothing to do with the cancer).
I told him how I inexplicably had the WORST PAIN EVER in my shoulder about a year ago. I woke up with it one day and it took two or three days before it went away. It was so bad I couldn't even lift my arm more than a few inches. I also had it in the left shoulder several months after it went away in the right. I assume it's just a matter of sleeping on it funny, because both times it started the minute I woke up, lasted a few days and then was completely gone.
WELL I WOKE UP TODAY WITH THAT PAIN IN MY RIGHT FREAKIN' SHOULDER. It hurts like hell to do anything including type this post I'm gonna Advil up and go lay on the couch til' my shift starts
I forgot to take my dose of Tylenol Sore Throat before I came back from lunch. You'd be surprised how much Raspberry Ice Tea burns. So, if anyone would like to cyber me a dose of that...