About 11:00 last night, I was having some pain both front and back about level with the bottom of my ribs. I thought was just a gas pain and it would work itself out. I went to bed and tossed and turned for about 1/2 hr trying to find a comfortable spot, but it kept getting worse. I decided to come out and watch TV a while to take my mind off it while I waited for it to get better.
About 4:00 am, I decided that it wasn't getting any better and I went to the ER. They did all kinds of blood work, chest X-Rays, EKG's, and an ultrasound. They put me on IVs and gave me enough pain meds to make me not care about much while waiting for test results. They though it is my gallbladder, but sent the ultrasound images to another lab for confirmation to which came back it is "full of stones".
SO, tomorrow, I will meet with the same surgeon that took part of my colon out of me to discuss this. More than likely, I will be getting my gallbladder next week.
Now that I know what this particular pain was, I've had these before. They have actually been more painful than last night's was, but they have never lasted longer than a half hour or so. Last night's just wouldn't quit. They got the pain stopped with meds and it didn't come back when the meds wore off. They said to avoid as much greasy food as possible now until it is removed.
I didn't sleep at all last night and I got about 45 minutes on the ER "bed" while waiting for results this morning. The nurse said I snored. I'll be napping soon.
Man Web! I hope you can get some sleep for the rest of the day today. Hopefully they can get that taken care of soon so you don't have any more pain like that.
We did not do any of those things. You know you should have left the phone in the other room. A few people could've waited a couple of hours while you nap. But I know you just can't do that.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.