It's been a busy day so far. We had a supplier come in right when we open, so I didn't get my typical start to the day. Now I'm in another one of those loops where everyone wants everything right now.
Good day, all! Let me just inquire, "SHIZZLE!!! WHO TURNED OFF THE HEAT OUT THERE?!?!?!" Presently 19*... it snowed here a little Monday night, some of which is still on the ground.
I gotz nothing really cool to share. Given that I've been dealing with a sinus infection since Friday night, the caring is more in the NOT sharing. Went to the Dr. yesterday, so I'm feeling much better today. Probably also helps that I cut way back on the sinus meds so I'm not all zombie Mema like I was yesterday.
Tomorrow will be court again for the nephew. We kind of suspect that they will go ahead and get his conviction over with, then set the sentencing date. It doesn't seem like there is really any reason to drag this out further.
Otherwise, just another workday in 'paradise'.
Hope everybody has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.