It is going to be a beautiful day here too. It is 38° now, with an expected high of 63°. Maybe we should plant the garden.?.?
I got the oil changed in the car on Saturday morning. When I picked it up, they asked if I knew the rear tires were worn down. I didn't know. Something has happened to the rear alignment in the last couple months and it has ruined the back tires. They only have 18k, miles on them. So this morning, I got to go tire shopping. I don't like to have mismatched tires on our "good" car so we'll replace all four. They said they could give us credit on the front ones since they could resell them as used. Hopefully they can do a good job on the alignment so it doesn't happen again.
Morning all. Back to the grind. The weekend is already too short. It seems like it becomes much shorter when you spend too many hours during the week in the office. I expect this to be a better week. But in all fairness, I thought I would have a better week last week. But this week I mean it. I have a few days to get some small things finished and others prepared for month end. I really need to make the list of things to do between today and Wednesday. Three days. I'd like to think I'd have them to myself but that is a laugh.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.