Mrs Web is about to finish up the work audit project. She wanted to spend all week in the 2nd-to-last branch to be done which would mean staying there because it's two hrs away. She hurt her shoulder last week, and with the snow, she stayed home yesterday. She couldn't get out of here fast enough this morning. It's just me and the boy for Valentine's day.
It is supposed to warm up this week which will melt the snow.
Good day, all. I'm down with the "Happy Tuesday" crowd. The snow has moved out. It's chilly, but happily the roads are not frozen over.
I am not now, have I ever been, or will I ever be a Valentine's Day person. I've tried, but I find the whole darn thing to be so disingeunuous and forced, it makes me want to wretch.
Example of what I mean from just this morning: I'm going through my morning routine, when Kev knocks on my bedroom door to inform me that there is a Valentine's Day card for me in the magnetic clip on the refridgerator door. Yes, I know this... I saw it when I went to get my morning Diet Pepsi Max. I simply ignored it because he knows how I feel about this and in fact how I feel about him. I figure it can wait, but decide to be polite and say "Thank you". He then informs me, "I got something else for you, but I'll give it to you later, or this evening after work." (heavy sigh... I hate this!) "Thank you." About 10 minutes later, (knock, knock, knock) "Hey Michele? Can I borrow $50 for gas? It's not that I don't have money, but for some reason the bank has a hold on some of my money for some reason. I have to go to Emporia today so I really need to put gas in my truck. $50 should cover it." Nope, there is absolutely no correlation between the present I don't want that will be given to me at some point later in the day, and the $50 you are hitting me up for now, is there? There is absolutely no way you would be hitting me up for money to buy me a present I don't want for a "holiday" I don't like, now is there? Why?
Ah well... meanwhile, back at the ranch... trying to get a few things fixed that I did not break. Need to write a weekly accomplishments report and get a few other things done. All moderately irritating tasks, but I guess that is just the theme of the day. Someone was nice enough to leave a Tootsie Roll on my desk. (I'm pretending this is a random act of kindness).
Oh.. and the nephew. He had a sentencing hearing today on the probation violation he caught for the fact that he is now in jail on other charges. I'd like to be able to tell you how it went, but I didn't go... which is okay because neither did he. Dumbarse!
Anyhoo... hope you all have a wonderful day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'm not huge into Valentine's Day, mostly because I'm a romantic and think you should celebrate your love more than once a year.
That being said, we are doing something little tonight. We're making calzones and watching a movie. Apparently we're also going over to Hobby Lobby because Brian's out of supplies. I have a feeling that means I'll end up with a new necklace by the end of the day. The only reason we really have a plan is so we can get a night alone. I'm starting to get a bit sick of the ex-roomie being over all the time.
I also use V Day as an excuse to spend more money on thinking-of-you things than I normally would. I don't do it every year, only when I need the excuse. The last time I can think of that I did anything like that was a few years ago when I got Brian some pint glasses with etched dragons on them. I've been entertaining the idea of getting us a side-by-side massage this year, but I haven't decided on that yet.
Valentine's day always had significance for us. I know I've told the story before, but way back in Junior year of high school, there was a girl that liked me that I didn't have mutual feelings for. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but yet I didn't want to date her. The night of the Valentine's dance that year, this girl was hanging around me and trying to get me to dance with her. Mrs Web came by and we were talking and I mentioned that I just needed to stay away from the other girl. Mrs Web said "So, come dance with me", and I did. We danced together most of the night, drove around with mutual friends after the dance, had a great time, and had our first date the next weekend. We've been together every since.
Valentine's day always had significance for us. I know I've told the story before, but way back in Junior year of high school, there was a girl that liked me that I didn't have mutual feelings for. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but yet I didn't want to date her. The night of the Valentine's dance that year, this girl was hanging around me and trying to get me to dance with her. Mrs Web came by and we were talking and I mentioned that I just needed to stay away from the other girl. Mrs Web said "So, come dance with me", and I did. We danced together most of the night, drove around with mutual friends after the dance, had a great time, and had our first date the next weekend. We've been together every since.
I've decided to go for the side by side massage. Brian will be pleasantly surprised, and I could sure use a massage too! Okay, really, I wanted a massage and didn't want to get one and leave Brian out because I knew he'd want one too.
Telling that story made me think, so I sent a text to my wife: "Will you dance with me? I don't want to dance with Michelle." (The girl's name was Michelle.)
Telling that story made me think, so I sent a text to my wife: "Will you dance with me? I don't want to dance with Michelle." (The girl's name was Michelle.)
A side-by-side massage sounds really nice. We have two massage therapists in town but I don't think they would be willing to work together to do a side-by-side deal for us.
Telling that story made me think, so I sent a text to my wife: "Will you dance with me? I don't want to dance with Michelle." (The girl's name was Michelle.)
Mrs Web replied: "I don't get it?"
Big 'ol sad face.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
A side-by-side massage sounds really nice. We have two massage therapists in town but I don't think they would be willing to work together to do a side-by-side deal for us.
I've never actually done a side by side before. This is the same lady that I've traded services with, and most of the time it's just her. So I think maybe she just goes back and forth. I'll let you know after we get it.
Sounds like a nice plan for you and Brian, Mz. I hope you enjoy it.
I did get a nice text message from our old buddy Dylan... that made me smile.
Met the BFF for coffee after work yesterday. That is his way around my lack of affinity for this particular event... hangs out with me on a day close to Valentine's Day, no card, no flowers, no candy... makes a point to tell me that he adores me "for no calendar driven reason". That cracked me up.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
That is such a sweet story, Web and at the same time I'm sad because Mrs. Web didn't remember More often than not, life gets in the way and our memories are lost in the cobwebed corner of our minds.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
This might take the edge off... never in a million years will you guess what I got for Valentine's Day from the Kev! First, let me say that I was wrong... he did not use the $50 he borrowed off of me to buy me a present. He bartered for my present. Did some work on a buddy's daughter's car for which he was able to give me: A used, walk behind leaf blower.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I finally got out of here at 8:30 last night, arrived home, stuck my hand in the mailbox to retrieve the mail and pulled out a gold box containing a two pound Hershey bar and there were also two cds. I had no idea the mailman liked me. Actually, boy was making sales calls yesterday and was out near Hershey so he stopped at the Hershey place and got me a big candybar with my name on it. Now I didn't ask for anything and have never recognized this "holiday" well except for my mom. She will always be my valentine. Or so she says. Now, while it was a nice gesture and I'm sure it popped into his head because it was right in front of him, what am I supposed to do with a two pound candybar that neither of us should be eating? Oh yeah, there wasn't any real mail.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
By the way M, I think you need to paint it a neon color. That way you can always find it in the garage or if you should lose it in your pile of leaves.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I finally got out of here at 8:30 last night, arrived home, stuck my hand in the mailbox to retrieve the mail and pulled out a gold box containing a two pound Hershey bar and there were also two cds. I had no idea the mailman liked me. Actually, boy was making sales calls yesterday and was out near Hershey so he stopped at the Hershey place and got me a big candybar with my name on it. Now I didn't ask for anything and have never recognized this "holiday" well except for my mom. She will always be my valentine. Or so she says. Now, while it was a nice gesture and I'm sure it popped into his head because it was right in front of him, what am I supposed to do with a two pound candybar that neither of us should be eating? Oh yeah, there wasn't any real mail.
It is indeed useful. And in its own way, thoughtful even... It just struck me a little wrong when he informed me that he wanted me to have this because " hurts me to see you in so much pain when you are done raking the yard and then cleaning up all those leaves. Just think, sweetie, this will make it so much faster and easier for you!" While this is true, you must understand that generally while I'm out busting my arse working on the yard, he is usually asleep on the sofa in front of the TV.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.