Indeed it does, Web. I'm dreading the day we have to try to do something with Momma. I can already see signs of her memory slipping, but woe be unto whomever mentions it to her. She gets downright evil over it.
-- Edited by Mad Mema on Thursday 16th of February 2012 11:35:33 AM
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Good day, all. Looks like it might just be me & the crickets.
Rolled into the office late as I worked last night. On the up side, there was next to no traffic on the interstate this morning. On the down side, I got to park where one gets a complimentary oxygen tank and sherpa. Not saying Tenzig isn't a nice guy...
Hope everyone has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mema, don't skip the first base camp on the way to your car. We don't want you getting altitude sickness.
My proof of Brains for the Zombie Soul is on its way to me, and I think it's wrong. Judging from the thumbnail they put up of my cover, I think they made my invisible layers visible. I'm debating on whether I should wait for the book to arrive, or if I should just go ahead and send in a new cover and get another copy on the way to save time. I think I'll email them.
I thought I'd just have to sit around and wait for the books to arrive, but I've realized that I really have a lot more to do before HorrorHound.
I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up about 4:00 and then couldn't get back to sleep.
Mrs Web is supposed to come back home this evening.
My grandmother called about 7:00am this morning. She sounded confused, mad, and said she wanted to talk to me about her being in "this place" (nursing home). I told her I could stop after I got the boy to school at 8:00. I went and found her in the dining room eating breakfast and she seemed to be happily enjoying the meal. She then got upset because she couldn't remember why she wanted me to come. She remembered calling, but not why she called. I didn't mention that she said something about not wanting to be there. As we talked, she said the food is good, the people are nice to her, and she understands that she can't be home alone now.
At least she does realize that she can't remember things. She accepts what we tell her, which helps. She was asking about why she had to take all those pills with breakfast because she couldn't remember what they were all for, but seemed ok once I explained that they were all doctor prescribed for different medical things that she probably doesn't remember dealing with.
My other grandmother was different before she died. She was confused and couldn't remember, but she didn't know, and wouldn't accept it. She thought the family was being mean to her and trying to trick her when she couldn't remember what had just happened. She thought it was a big plot by the entire family to get together and make up stories about stuff then just tell her she was having memory trouble. My aunt even tried making a log sheet every day and we would all write things down for her as we visited with her. Even that didn't work because she then thought someone was sneaking in and making up things to write down since she could't remember those things happening, or us visiting and writing the things down.
I think Brian's mom knows and accepts it, but that doesn't mean she likes it. And her coping mechanism is to shut down and just sit there quietly, so sometimes it can be hard to tell what is going on. She's still at home, and my brother in law lives with her, but she's had some problems that's made us question whether she needs additional help. It'll come to that point someday.
The thing is, it's definitely genetic in their family. Brian's grandma and aunt also have mental problems, enough that they've been in care center as long as Brian remembers. So it's inevitable that one of the kids will have problems, and out of the 4, I'm pretty sure Brian's first on the list. He already has issues in that area.
The good thing is, both sides of my family have still been pretty sharp and live pretty long lives. My great-grandfather lived to 99, and although I was young when he died, I don't remember him having any mental issues.
Senile dementia runs in Momma's side of the family. Not sure about Donald's side. He is the only person on his side of the family that I really knew, and he was bat-schizzle crazy anyway. Coupled with the fact that he didn't even make it to 70, its hard to say how things would have gone for him. I've basically accepted it that this will be my future if I live that long. I warn my kids about it all the time.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Am wondering if I should buy a lottery ticket based on the date I have been using all day - 02/21/2012. Most sales and use tax payments are due by the 20th of the month. Because of the bank holiday on Monday, payments will be due Tuesday the 21st.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.