It is 9am on a February morning and 62 friggin' degrees outside. I'll take it.
I don't really want to get into any details on a public forum, but business events yesterday got me in the "what if?" mode. I've gotten a bit too content with life lately, I need to stay on my toes just in case life throws me for a loop.
We had a confirmed tornado touch down about 60 miles West of us (in February!). Shortly after that, it started hailing and hailing hard. It was small, pea-sized stuff, but lots of it coming down in sheets. Right behind the hail was heavy rain. The rain washed the hail down the streets to where it piled up like snow drifts along the curbs. We quickly had flooded streets because the piles of hail was blocking the water from going down the storm drains.
Today, it's 30 degrees, 30mph cold, North winds, and feels like full-on winter again.
Hmm, I have a feeling that Mrs Web would be all for leap humping . . . humping only every four years.
It was super windy last night, but only minimal damage to the trees around here. Apparently there were some tornados around Branson, MO and somewhere in southeastern KS. Today is sunny and 45* thus far.
Let the Leaphumping begin!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Oh yeah, I forgot. JR and I have crappy cool, rainy and foggy weather while Mz is living it up with 65* temps and sun. Can you tell I spoke with people in both places today but neither of them were forum folk?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.