I had an interesting development on Saturday. I got a call from ANOTHER credit card company that now this card had been hacked and strange charges were showing up on it.
The card that got compromised a few weeks ago was only used at six of my business service providers. When I got the new card, I updated the info with all but one of them. The one I had a strange feeling about, I put on another card that I use for miscellaneous stuff. Now, just a few weeks later, THAT card has been compromised.
Coincidence? Maybe.
I contacted that vendor and explained the situation. They did reply and said that they see no evidence of any kind of security breech in their system. (I wouldn't expect them to admit it even if they knew of a problem.) They said no one else has reported anything similar. (Who would know who to suspect unless they did a test like I just did?)
Anyway, I told them that I didn't feel comfortable updating my info with them again and asked if there is a way I can manually make payments with PayPal or something that doesn't require them storing my credit card info online. They said they could set that up for me.
Coincidence? Maybe, but I still highly suspect them (or an upstream provider) as the source of the problem.
Web, that is highly suspect. I don't blame you for changing your payment method with them.
I called Brian during lunch about something totally unrelated, and he told me that his friend's, Mike's, son called him this morning. Mike hung himself on Saturday. I didn't know him all that well, because I wasn't entirely comfortable around him, because he was an an alcoholic. He had tried to call Brian on Saturday, but Brian missed the call.
So now, I'm worried about Brian. He didn't sound too depressed (just sad, of course), but I think he's still in shock. I told him to call me if he needs me, but other than that, I don't know what to do.