1. A life full of second chances Though even the best laid plans can turn as sour as a cranberry loaf fresh out of the can, always remember that love is rarely a once in a lifetime event. Whether you are inviting it in for the first time or have seen it come and go, love tends to return again and again to those willing to work at nurturing it.
2. Technology that is on your side Online dating services, web cams, email and chat rooms have revolutionized the dating world. If you have the tools, use them for all they are worth and if you don't, get them now. If you hurry we promise to save you a piece of pie.
3. Family & friends Just because the holiday season finds you flying solo, doesn't mean the tables you sit down to are not surrounded by love. Friends and family -- even those full of embarrassing questions -- are precious and should be treated as such.
4. Odds that are always in your favor Even if every date in recent memory has turned out to be a turkey, never forget that there are plenty of fish in the sea for those ready to take the plunge. Although well cast lines -- or an opportunity to take some choice bait -- are not standard fare at most holiday tables, love can be found anywhere. Test the waters this Thanksgiving and you may find that you are not the only one who prefers fish to fowl.
5. Good health Sure it sounds like something that your grandmother might say and probably will but it is true nonetheless. Without a strong body/mind there will always be something missing from your plate. But if you do your best to keep both up, love may be the one making an appearance at your table next year.
Be thankful for all the dating opportunities you have and don't wait until New Year's Day to do something about it! Start a quick search now and find singles in your area.