Good day, all. Yep, it is May Day... in oh so many ways! I'm finally catching a break so I thought I'd stop by and say hi.
Spent all last week in a training class. 3 days of formal training, a 1 day written exam, and 1 day of reviewing the exam later, and I'm certified to work on the new wireless switching platform. Never done wireless in my almost 21 year career, but I'm free to run amok on the new gear.
Otherwise, the past few weeks have been a blur of work, home repairs, family parties, family squabbles, and trying to get at least a little sleep. Hopefully things will slow down a bit for a while.
Hope you all have been well. I'm trying to catch up on my forum reading too!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I think I'm finally ready for vacation. Everything but the last minute stuff is packed, and knock on wood, I think I've sufficiently warned all my coworkers and customers. I feel like I've finished up everything that can't wait, or will have it finished tomorrow.
Speaking of vacation, it sounds like you could use some alone time Mema!
Geebuz... if I can make it to the end of the month, I will be taking some days off. Sometime in June (I think) Kev is taking a week of so that he and Chris can ride down to the Texas coast... patiently waiting for that! Might even take a long weekend that week.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning all. I am a bit confused. After having so much to do for so many months, now it seems like I don't have enough to do. If that makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I have stuff to do but I keep looking at my list and it is shrinking. Now, there are some projects on there but I don't think it is really time to go full force into them and have simply started laying the groundwork instead. I should finish three emails that I have started. I am awaiting some copies of invoices for one email. I need to find the proper tax exemption form for one of our clients that has an agency status. And I have to figure out why NY won't recoginze an address. Kind of hard to assign a tax rate if I can't get the information. Then I have two emails that need answers. I have already provided an answer for one before but the guys in the field are fighting me on it. Grrr. And then I really should make that phone call and followup letter for two BPT jurisdictions. The final thing I have to be ready for is my 10am phone call with the boss tomorrow. We are going to get our projects and other to-dos scheduled for the rest of the year. He is unaware, but I am also going to deliver my "I deserve better, we both know it, he is my proof" speech. Seems like it shoudl be a nice eight hour work day.
I can't believe it is that time for Mz to go to FL already and for Mema to take the week off at the end of the month. We are a third of the way through the year already. Yesterday I took a few minutes to look at the calendar and think about my days off. There are eight months remaining in the year, so we'll call it roughly 34 weeks left in the year. I can't have off the first two weeks of the month due to month end close. So that eliminates another 16 weeks. That leaves me 18 weeks (90 work days and I didn't take out the holidays so it is a few less) to take off four weeks (20 days). Yeah, that is balanced. I think I've figured out 14 days so far with the bulk of them being in the last week in August and December. Both have holiday wrap around potential.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I get that sometimes here too Fuzzy. It's weird being so insanely stressed and busy, then all of a sudden it's gone. Then, I'm used to the nice leisurely pace until one (or two or three) of those huge rush projects hits, which makes the stress skyrocket again.
I usually end up taking almost all of my vacation in the second half of the year. It is a habit I developed over years of being concerned about getting laid off, when I worked for a company that paid out accrued but unused vacation time when they sent you packing.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I hope you ladies enjoy your time away and time off!
Fuzzy needs time away too.
I am dealing with tech support again. Ugh. This one was my fault (entered the wrong CSR when ordering a SSL cert), but what seems like should be an easy fix is going slowly.
Tomorrow we will be driving 60 miles to close our remaining bank accounts from Mrs Web's former workplace. We are driving to another branch so we don't have to deal with the local etch and chance another fight.
The former bank is screwing with Mrs Web and the former president with their expense checks. The bank owes Mrs Web over $400 for motel and travel expenses on that audit job she did, and they owe the former branch president over $1,200 for open house expenses he put on his personal credit card. Emails and phone calls are being ignored and not being returned and checks are not arriving in the mail. I hope we don't have to take them to small claims court to get the money. Jerks.
WebGuy wrote:Tomorrow we will be driving 60 miles to close our remaining bank accounts from Mrs Web's former workplace. We are driving to another branch so we don't have to deal with the local etch and chance another fight.
The former bank is screwing with Mrs Web and the former president with their expense checks. The bank owes Mrs Web over $400 for motel and travel expenses on that audit job she did, and they owe the former branch president over $1,200 for open house expenses he put on his personal credit card. Emails and phone calls are being ignored and not being returned and checks are not arriving in the mail. I hope we don't have to take them to small claims court to get the money. Jerks.
It is a shame that you have to waste your time, money and effort because of one woman.
Those expenses should have been paid to you the day that she was let go and the other guy's last day. I'd have to look at NE's payroll rules, but a lot of states say you are to get all money due you the day you are let go. If not, the business can get into trouble with the state.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
If they don't pay up I can make a phone call for you to my husbands, cousins, step-brother's ex-wife's uncle twice removed, son from his third marriage ... I think I got that right... He's not a REAL lawyer, but he can be very convincing.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I'm trying to get her to call the payroll people herself. She is talking to the former branch president and he is supposed to be going to bat for her as he is trying to get his own reimbursement. She doesn't want to complicate things worse by going over him, but I think she needs to either find out where the hold up is or make them lie to her about it. Maybe a call to the NE department of Labor would be a good thing to do too.
I will be glad when it's finally over too. Maybe then my wife can start to let go of some of the anger and look forward to the future.
It is good to have friends in the payroll tax and the termination departments.
For Nebraska, final checks must be given on the next scheduled payday or within two weeks, whichever occurs first. At least that is the rule we are following here.
The former branch president finally got hold of the CFO yesterday afternoon and they claim that his and Mrs Web's expense requests somehow got "lost". This is not the first time that has happened. He claimed that they were sending the checks out yesterday so we will see if it shows up today or tomorrow.