Who's started watching them yet? So far I've watched The Grinch and It's A Wonderful Life (I could watch that last one over and over and over and never get tired of it)
Still have to watch Scrooged, Elf, Miracle on 54th Street and A Christmas Story
None for me. I am not finding myself in the mood yet.
TBS always runs the 24 hours of A Christmas story. I would expect them to continue it. You have to turn it on at least once at some point during the day.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Watched The Christmas Story, Rudolph the original and the second Rudolph movie, so far... I am sooo blessed to watch these with Little E. She just is sooo excited and their is so much to take in! I think Forsty is on next week.
Last night I think it was ABC Family seems to be playing one everyday this month at 8!
I'm not much of a Christmas movie person. I absolutely refuse to watch "A Miracle on 34th Street". Not that it isn't a fine movie, because it is. It just brings up some bad memories.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hey! it wasn't my fault they put catnip on the pole!
Actually it wasn't even a pole, it was a metal door and I don't recomend it! I still wont eat a popsicle straight out of the freezer until it warms up a little bit.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I'm not much of a Christmas movie person. I absolutely refuse to watch "A Miracle on 34th Street". Not that it isn't a fine movie, because it is. It just brings up some bad memories.
It goes something like this, Ruby: I used to date this absolute jerk. He was all about himself, so much so that he actually pestered me into going with him to see his mother one evening in the Christmas season when I wasn't feeling well at all (bad sinus infection). Since I didn't feel well and I was basically being forced to go somewhere I didn't want to be, I was in a bad mood to boot. His family was generally dysfunctional, so visiting was never enjoyable. After what passed for the family dinner, he noticed 'A Miracle on 34th Street" was coming on TV and insisted we stay to watch as this is his favorite Christmas movie. Feeling ill and in a rotten mood, I was not really getting into the movie as much as I was just waiting for it to be over. When it was over, I found myself getting yelled at for the rest of the night because... get this... I didn't cry when the movie was over. Yep, I spent the whole night hearing what a cold hearted, unfeeling, miserable (w)itch I am because I didn't shed tears. I will always associate that movie to that jerk, therefore it will always irritate me.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Oh Dave- such a Scrooge! Mema- sorry- feel your pain. Hope that ended quickly after that. Do you know what happened to him? Hopefully nothing good! PS Most men are jerks!
I haven't heard anything of him lately. Sometimes I get reports from friends when they see him, because they are amazed he is still alive and so I know where I should avoid going. He was stalking me for quite a while after I dumped him... which was shortly after the Christmas movie incident. Some 4 years after we split up, he was stopped by police one street over from where I was living at the time. My husband was listening to his scanner and heard the report of suspicious activity. He claimed to be in the neighborhood "looking for an old friend". We moved a few weeks later.
The last report I got on him was over a year ago. He was at a Wal-Mart in a town about 45 minutes away, with a woman and a small mullet headed boy that could possibly be his. From the sounds of it, they left in the back seat of someone else's car. Typical... couldn't keep a vehicle much less a driver's license. Then again, he also had an extensive theft record, so keeping a job wasn't really him either. What a loser... I'm glad I got away from him... can't imagine what my life would be like now if I hadn't.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.