We have a luncheon for our little office of 7. My boss takes us out every year somewhere new. But the college does a big party every year the day before graduation. Which for me spells out we do not care that you are busy and cannot attend! But anyway, I work at a Christian school, so they do not serve any beverages except punch! The food is always good, they give away an ornament and usually they have some form of singing entertainment. It is kinda lame. So I am too busy to go works well!
We always have an awesome Christmas party. This year it's at the Scholar's Inn, which is an upscale restuarant. The drinks are free. And everyone is invited, employees, board members, spouses, kids, volunteers... There's gifts and prizes. They always go out of their way to make sure the employees understand how much we're appreciated, more than just at Christmas.
My wife's work used to do a prime rib dinner with open bar. That bank was bought out by a much larger chain of banks. This bigger bank doesn't do a bank-supported party. It sounds like the employees are just going to plan their own party and it will be a buy your own meal and drinks.
They do it up right for us, $30 to $40 dollars a plate, hor de rves, expensive wine and drinks at the fanciest restaurant in town, formal attire and we put on our stuffiest persona and everyone tries to act like we like each other.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
They have been good to us here. They would pick one day and do lunch and something else. Two years ago it was lunch and then an IMAX movie. Last year it was lunch and a comedy and mini ice show. It was nice since there were only about 30-35 people in this building. With the acquistion, I don't know that there will be a company party. Similar to Mrs. Web, we may just do our own lunch/day long eat-a-thon.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
We used to get something of a company budget for a Thanksgiving lunch. That didn't happen this year. Our office "fun committee" (nope... not making that up) is planning a potluck for sometime this month. Every now and again, we get invited to Christmas parties thrown by our vendors, but it seems that even they are cutting back in these last couple years.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We have a party every year at one of the two owner's houses. The office provides a catered dinner and beer and wine. We, the employees, get together a collection and buy the bigwigs nice gifts and each employee brings a white elephant gift from home (not something they've purchased) for a white elephant gift exchange - that's always fun. In the past we've also done kareoke because one employee runs it at a side business... that's always been fun. This year the house it's at has lots of entertainment gear - fooz ball, PacMan, etc. Should be fun.
We use to have a company party where they passed out "Christmas Cheer" in the form of a $250 check......those days are gone. Since we've been bought out by a larger company no parties. So it looks like I'll be buying my own drinks and dinner.
My hubby worked for the same company for five years. First year, $1000 and a nice party at some nice place and free food and drinks, second year $600 and party, third year party, last two years nada
He nows is self employed. I am thinking he will take himself out and buy dinner and drinks!
Our company has a get together each year for the holidays. We have munchies or a meal (munchies this year) at an area restuarant. We have a gift exchange with a $10 limit. The last couple of years I boxed up lottery scratch tickets, those go over well.
So at the past couple christmas parties, the big gifts (digital camcorder, Bose radio, etc.) have gone to people outside the company: vendors, guests, etc. and not to staff. So this morning at our company meeting, the president announced that this year only employees are eligible for the prizes! Man, I love the people I work for!
I'm not much into company parties , I have to work with / around these clowns all day . 4:00 comes and I just want to get as far away from them as possible.
The only enjoyment I get at these parties is when someone falls in the fire .