I've got the friday before and the monday after off. Same with New Years. Almost everyone else is taking the week in between off, which means it'll be hell for the couple of us that are there. Hopefully the rest of the world will think we're all off!
When our company was sold two years ago we lost three holidays. We used to get two days at Chirstmas and New Years, now it's one each. We also lost Good Friday. I'm taking a couple of days at Christmas but other than that....work, work, work.
I think we were to have the Friday and Monday surrounding Christmas and then the Monday after New Year's. With the acquisition, I believe we have gone to having Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after Christmas off. If I have somewhere to go, I may just take the other two days off.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
We only get one day off for Christmas and New Year's Day. Used to get both Thanksgiving and the day after, but we lost the day after a couple years ago. Rumor has it that we will get it back next year. I still have a bunch of vacation time to take because I'm not sure I can roll it into next year. Have to find out on that point. There's the sad thing about working in corporate America... having had several friends get caught in the downsizing, one learns little things like they may give you all of your vacation at the first of the year, but technically you haven't earned it. If you get laid off after you have taken your vacation, they can actually dock your last paycheck for your "unearned" vacation.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Around here most con. co.s will shut down the 23rd till the 2nd, you might as well . with everyone taking different days offs , nothing will get done , or delivered etc.
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! btw- the rents due and your broke cause you couldn't work and spent what little you had on Christmas !
..... boss man tells me the same thing , don't work ...