Don't you love it when the guy behind you, who is riding your a$$, gets in the right lane thinking he can pass you and then he gets stuck behind a slow car in the right lane! If I could go faster, I would, but the three cars in front of me are preventing that! I love nascar in the morning!
Afternoon all... didn't get around to this one this morning. It's a stunning 16 degrees for the high (?) here today... low of 2... and it's snowing. Forcast calls for 4-6 inches by 6 AM tomorrow. YAY! Looks to only be somewhere around 1-2 inches so far, but it's coming down at a good pace. My drive home should be lots of fun.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Yeah...we have a "snow advisory" throughout the night. I like to think of that as actually a "moronic driver advisory" since people in the mid-west can't seem to drive in the snow.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We are due to get that snow late Thursday night into Friday morning, four to six inches. We shall see if that actually holds up. The snow on Monday afternoon/night didn't hold up to it's billing. It stayed to the East and South. Don't get me wrong, I was happy it shifted that way.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I feel the same about Web too! Both the Sparksters and the Webs need to pick a place off the map that does not have FFR representation and it must be warm!
Now wait a second, I'm not thinking outside the box. We need international representation. Since Ultimo is already in England, I'll move to Australia, how's that sound?