This is ridiculous. He pursued her and she turned him down a couple of times! She must really be desperate!
Lisa Clark, who is charged with child molestation, statutory rape and enticing a child for indecent purposes, said in television interviews Monday that she still hopes to make a life with him and their baby.
She said the morality of their relationship was open to debate, noting that in the past it was common for 13-year-old girls to be given in marriage.
"They're making a big deal out of a 15-year-old," she told WAGA-TV in Atlanta. "And I can assure you that he was no victim.
"It's not like they are making it out to be. Actually, I'd told him 'no' several times because I prefer someone older, but he was just so nice and so sweet," she said.
The boy, who had been on probation on an unrelated burglary charge, was ordered Monday to return to juvenile detention after relatives he was living with said they could not handle him.
Clark was arrested last month after the couple's November 8 wedding. Georgia law allows children of any age to marry -- without parental consent -- if the bride-to-be is pregnant. The law dates to the early 1960s and was written to discourage out-of-wedlock births.
Clark denied marrying the teen to try to avoid prosecution.
"I told the detective that I got married because I wanted the baby to have his name. I wanted to be married when the baby came," she said.
Clark said the baby is a boy and would have the middle name of her new husband, who has not been identified by authorities because of his age.
And I'd say it whether it's a 15 year old boy or girl. These adults REALLY need to get a clue that these are CHILDREN. You know, KIDS. Ever heard of 'em???
I'm with you, Molly. My hubby is 13 years older than me. Everyone I ever dated was older than me. Come to think of it, almost all of my friends are older than me.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
What ' older woman ' wouldn't want to be pursued by a younger bo ? maybe her clock was ticking and no guy her age wanted to be a daddy . OR maybe Atlanta doesn't have any available men over the age of 18 , it is a small town you know. OR - I was busy that day.
Ummm... This 'older woman' for one. I'd have a hard time deciding whether to be appalled or amused if a 15 yr old was hitting on me and I'm only 35. If a 15 year old kid was the best she could do, she is flat out stupid. Fact: if you are female and you want to 'get some'... go hang out at a nightclub. Some guy will hit on you whether you like it or not, no matter what you look like. Any guy can feel free to deny that statement, but it is true. Every now and again, Pambo and I go out for "girls night" and we always get hit on even though we are definitely not looking.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
LOL of course shes whacked out , Sometimes I write stuff just to see the reaction of others LOL ,
as for women getting hit on in bars , I'm to old for games , I'm sitting here , you can see me , just look over my way and smile ,or wave ,throw a rock or sumthin. I'll get the hint , promise.
I gotta back Mema on her statement. If you wanna get lucky, there's always some creep waiting in a bar. There are even a few nice guys. Wait a few minutes & the next dude will come along.
In this case, someone's gotta be the one to say, "Uh...NO! NOT EVER! NOT WITH YOU! GO AWAY!" Frankly, it shoulda been the adult...and I still say she's a perv.
Throw a rock! HEHEHEHEE... clearly you have not spent any time in Kansas. As best as Pambo and I have been able to surmise, the Kansas state signal for "hit on me please" is to just go to a bar, order a drink, and don't even talk to anyone you didn't come in with. It would be nice to have to throw a rock to get such attention.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Not to imply that JSTDVE is a creep, sittin' in a bar or anything....
Of course not. And I bet he has a job and more than three teeth and isn't a compulsive liar, so he would not be the bar sitting creep that tends to wander out way either.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Thank you Mema!! Some people think I'm crazy, but then many of the other people don't realize how young I am. And I'm also the youngest of all my friends. It's funny, when we hang out with our friends, my hubby is usually oldest and I'm usually the youngest!
And Dave, I'd love to be able to hang out with a guy all night, buy my own drinks and everything, and him not want to come home with me. One time all I talked about the whole time was my husband and this guy still wanted to buy me a drink. HELL-OOO, wedding ring, right here!!!!