BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- In an extended courtroom outburst, Saddam Hussein claimed Wednesday that he has been beaten "everywhere on my body" while in detention and has the marks to prove it.
Hussein also alleged that his co-defendants also had been beaten and "tortured" by Americans.
Hussein and seven co-defendants are on trial for crimes against humanity, including the 1982 killings of more than 140 men and boys in Dujail, a town north of Baghdad, after a failed attempt there to assassinate the former Iraqi leader.
Hussein's long diatribe prompted angry responses from the chief prosecutor, Jaafar al-Mousawi, who said he had visited the defendants in their cells and saw no signs of torture.
The prosecutor said Hussein and the others would be placed in the custody of Iraqi troops if American-led multinational forces were abusing them.
I have a rule about shooting un-armed people who are hiding in a hole , but every rule does have an exception , like that I after E thing , have to agree with Web on this one.