This is a topic I heard on local talk radio recently, and it was a kind of fun trip down memory lane, although I only got to hear a short part of it. So I thought it would be nice to finish up here on the station/forum.
Now in order to TRULY enjoy this thread you have to be old enough to REMEMBER some of the old commercials, so sorry Molly, that probobly leaves you out.
Advertising Age magazine recently announced it's winners for it's Advertising Icon HOF, this years winners were:
M&M Characters
Mr. Peanut
Pillsbury Doughboy
Tony The Tiger
The Aflac Duck (A lot of people thought this was too new and not really good enough to make the list).
One of MY ALL-TIME favorites was Charlie the Tuna for Starkist Tuna. He'd always TRY to get caught by the fishermen, but they'd keep moving the hook away from him and say "sorry Charlie, only good-tasting tuna can become 100% Starkist".
Ok, so now it's your turn, what advertising icons to you remember from childhood?
I can't think of any now, but maybe the Michelin Man (marshmallow) has been around a long time. But just wanted to add that the freaky Burger King man should NEVER MAKE IT!
Okay, enough of the young jokes. I get those enough from my local friends!
I don't know if he ever had a name, but I remember the White Cloud white cloud. I seem to remember a commercial with him on an airplane, which just seems surreal...