I guess I am office casual. Some depts here can't wear jean skirts even! I guess it depends on your boss. I usually try to be somewhat professional looking because it makes the kids respect me more and listen better. I can wear jeans on Fridays, but when I teach, I will not. So for the last few months I have been jean free!
We don't have one. I usually try to dress professionally, but there are some days, especially Fridays, that I just don't feel like it. For example, today I'm wearing jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt and a ponytail.
I don't know if we have one. I guess we used to have a policy. It has gone through phases since I have been here. At one point it was really lax. We had people walking around in shorts on Fridays during the summer. I have seen people in sweatpants (which I would never wear outside of the house). Then they did the no shorts thing and jeans only on Friday. Since we have been acquired and the big bosses here are gone, the jeans are more of a two or three day a week thing for some. I try to be comfortable but still look professional. Sometimes it depends on my mood or if I know I will be in the office late. I make sure I am together nicely if we have company coming into the office.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Oh sure, you can make fun of my overdressing, but ask yourself this: Whens the last time you saw a Penguin LICKING ITSELF!!!!!! There's something to be said for a little sophistication my friend!
Although in preflight we can wear jeans any day of the week because we have the excuse that we do work on the shop floor. I ruined a nice pair of dress pants with ink once, I told my boss that isn't going to happen again, so we got the ok on jeans.
If I am headed towards a client site, I clean up nicely tho- try and match the clothing of the people I will be working with.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
My boss is pretty cool about my dress. In winter it's jeans and sweatshirts. Summer is jeans and T shirts.
My wife works in a bank and thats a different story for her. "Corporate" in Lincoln has their rules but the local bosses are a lot more flexible due to where we are. One of the ladies at the bank gets in trouble now and then for her skirts being too high and her tops being too low . . . but she can pull it off VERY well. My wife says its fun to watch the guys all trying to check her out when they come in. She said one guy ran into the door the other day as he was checking her out as he was leaving.
The dreaded "business casual" is the official dress code. Since Pambo and I work on the corporate campus, the expectations are a bit higher. We never get jeans day anymore.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
for me it depends on the job site , if it's a big commecial job then boots , long pants and a shirt ( hard hat when not in a unit ) . Some " neighborhoods " want you in a shirt but most of the time the weather dictates my dress , and yes I have said - hey it's 95 friggin degrees out here , you ain't paying enuff to wear long pants and a shirt , You either want me to build this house or you don't and I could give a rats azz what your answer is. ( I built the house ).
Now that I'm a little older , I usually wear a T-shirt , figure I've had enuff sun , don't need skin cancer.