I am a morning person, but the sight of the sun setting and the colors that it produces is nothing in the morning like it is at night. Plus much more romantic!
I enjoy the sunset. Ruby is right, the colors stand out the most. To sit there and slowly watch the sun sink on the horizon and the layers of colors that it produces in the sky. You start to see more and more stars as the darkness falls. Having a nice beverage to set the mood helps too. It is probably nice to have someone sitting there with you too. I wouldn't know.
I am not a morning person, so I miss many a sunrise anyway.
Although, I also enjoy a good moonrise. When it is full (where it seems bigger than anything and you could reach out and touch it) and comes up on the horizon orange and slowly fades to yellow and white as it rises through the night sky.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Sunset, but usually one week a year, in summer, I take some days off from work but stay in town, and I will hi-tail it to this beach I like and watch the sunrise over lake michigan. It is other-worldly.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
One of my fondest memories of growing up on the farm is the yearly cattle drive from our farthest pasture. We had one pasture that was about 18 miles from home and every spring we'd drive them there and fall drive them home.
In the fall to bring them home, we'd get there in the dark, saddle up and ride to the back corner of the pasture. We'd then wait until it started to get light. When we could see enough to make sure we didn't miss any, we'd start driving the cows and calves toward the front gate.
That was always cool though being out there the whole time from darkness to the first peek of sun over the hills.
That was one of the few ranch jobs that I acutally enjoyed and looked forward to every year. My dad still does that every year, but now he hires trucks to haul them there and back.
That I would have liked Web. I spent a few summers up in Northern Wisconsin on a farm watching the sunrise, but I was milking cows. Oh how I grew to hate that, to this day I don't drink milk.
By now everyone knows I'm not a morning person, and I love both, but the feeling with sunrises is different (when I get to see one, that is). It's like the whole world is waking up fresh and new, everything is dewey and is about to be dried out by the sun, it's cool until the sun comes up and warms you up. It's quiet, and you can hear the sounds of people and birds waking up around you. I rarely see the sunrise at home, but whenever I'm on vacation or camping, it just seems like a special part of the day.
I actually like a good summertime sunrise, sitting out on the deck with that first cup of coffee, listening to the birds chirp. The guy down the street is mowing. The lady accross the street yelling at that guy, and so on.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
Pambo - it is this occurance where the sun suddenly appears. Apparently, it happens in the wee small hours of what they call 'morning'. Every now and again I see it and it scares me.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Pambo - it is this occurance where the sun suddenly appears. Apparently, it happens in the wee small hours of what they call 'morning'. Every now and again I see it and it scares me.
I don't believe in it then. No such thing as sunrise.
I took several photography courses in college...and lighting is a photographer's best friend....I loved using the different lighting effects both times of day provided.
I used to do alot of third shift to first shift driving for work and I dont think there is anything prettier than a sunrise. Maybe because it signigfied the end of my work day.
Hey, thre's lots of dark glasses out there...just none that happen to be anywhere NEAR stylish for people with...uh...large heads like mine. Okay. I said it. I have a freakishly large head.
I KNOW. It's weird. It's a family thing. I have a big head. My son has a big head. My grandson has a big head. I tell my son it's room for all the brains to grow in.
Right now I wear a pair of shades that fit over regular glasses. They aren't the normal "old lady" huge, purple ones you're thinking of. They're pretty plain, black framed, dark lensed glasses. I want some with rhinestones or fur or studs on them though. My last pair had cherries all over them...but they broke cuz of the strain of fitting my big head.
See.. you already have a niche market for your product... you could make a whole line of designer shades for the 'cranially enhanced'. It would work! We could get my sister to sell them on her E-Bay store. While we are at it, we could also market those "Waiting to be widowed" tee shirts.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Are you kidding?!? Take a look around at some of the noggins in our building. We have some folks with some freakishly oversized heads... and I'm not even talking about the egomaniacs.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Are you kidding?!? Take a look around at some of the noggins in our building. We have some folks with some freakishly oversized heads... and I'm not even talking about the egomaniacs.