So, I'm starting to drink all this bottled water now, and sometimes, I swear it tastes like soap! Have I just gotten to used to stinky city water? Am I nuts? Are my taste buds too sensitive? I thought water wasn't supposed to taste like anything! Maybe I need to get more expensive bottled water...
My wife and girls hate the tap water, says it tastes funny. Last summer they nearly finished a gallon of bottled water. I finished it off and refilled it half way with tap water. They never new the difference. I told them about it and the didn't believe me. I'll have to do it again. This time I'll put it on video tape and play it back later.
You probably have gotten used to the city water. I can not drink the water at home. It just tastes yucky. I filter it. Sometimes I also drink bottled water when I am at home.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
The thing is, I don't like the way city water tastes either. I can't describe it, but it tastes stale. Like I said, maybe I need to get more than just the store brand bottled water.
I've been drinking Strawberry flavored water. I've been trying to cut back on my pop consumption so I figure the flavored water will help satisfy that need for something tasty better than plain.
I've always thought bottled watter tasted funny too.
I don't like tap water... then again if you saw what our tap water looks like with all the floaties, you would understand. I drink filtered water at home. Bottled water is good, but it really does depend on the brand. They all taste a bit different in my opinion.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I've been big on bottled water since the Milwaukee cryptosporidium scare of 1993. I usually get a couple gallons a week at the grocery store- the stuff that you pour into jugs from the micronfilteratedheattreateddoublelightpurifie thingy.... I HATE when I run out and am forced to drink tap water. It tastes like leaded pipes it travels through!!!!!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Aquafina for me... but like Web, I have been drinking sparkling water at home- the flavored kind. It replaces the need for soda- even diet- without any sodium!
I can't stand flavored water, it tastes like someone forgot to wash the kool aid out of the bottle before they put water in it. But, I will try Aquafina. Thanks!