But it seems that winter's here in the Midwest have been alot drier over the last 10 or 15 years. We still get the occasional blizzard....but overall, a lot less snow.
We also get our sub zero temps, but overall they havent been as cold either.
Maybe thats why our springs have changed...they are now cold, windy and damp...we used to have nice warm early springs...seems like it takes til late June for it to warm up here.
I think these last 2 winters have had more precipitation that we had over the previous 10 years or so. As for cold... I hate cold. If it's below 70, then it's COLD!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I guess I would classify these last 6 weeks or so as unseasonably warm... it's generally not in the 40's or 50's during December and January in Kansas. Still, the worst is typically yet to come. January and February are normally our hard winter months, so I guess we will see what comes.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.