Vanderjagt Admitted To Toronto Hospital Jan 19, 01:27 AM EST By F. A. Lsestory - AP Sports Writer
Toronto (AP) -- Indianapolis Colts place kicker, Mike Vanderjagt, was admitted to a Toronto Hospital after apparently attempting suicide.
Vanderjagt, a Toronto native, was rushed to Toronto Regional Hospital after friends found him standing on a chair with a home made noose around his neck. An unidentified friend said, "Mike was very upset about his missed field goal." "He felt he let the entire team down and couldn't stand it." Vanderjagt's friend arrived after receiving an email in which the kicker stated his intentions.
The National Football Leagues most accurate kicker was unable to complete his attempt when he couldn't kick the chair out from under himself according to Toronto police.
Police also recovered a gun that Vanderjagt had allegedly tried to use earlier. Police said the distraught kicker told them when he pulled the trigger the bullet went wide right.
Calls to Vanderjagt's agent and the Indianapolis Colts were not returned.
Okay, I wasn't calling him an idiot before, but I am now. If the rest of the team could hold up their end of the deal, he wouldn't have been in the position to have that much pressure to kick that field goal any way.
Gosh I feel so sorry for the coach! Can you imagine two suicides in one year? Also- he has such an awesome record he should not let one kick rule his life. He is still the best in the NFL!
Yep. the defense played well. Heck, you only give up 21 points and are stuck on the field for 2/3 of the game. Your offense is geared to score 35 a game. I'd take it. I have to say when I walked away from the dome I decided not to watch or read anything about the Colts. So far, so good. And I don't have any sleepless nights. It's over and done with, no need to get worked up about something that I have no control over. I'll start paying attention again around draft time.
That was great, you had me totally hooked until the chair bit. I was feeling SO bad for the guy, then I felt like an idiot
I pulled a similar prank on Dylan once that was hilarious.
I had gone up to Sparta, about 120 miles from Milwaukee, because he was gonna go look at some McPherson Guitars at their factory, and I wanted to just cruise around Sparta. McPherson guitars are infamous for their revolutionary "sound holes", which I just find funny for some reason.
A few days after we got back I downloaded the entire front page of into my computer, deleted one of the stories and replaced it with a story that the CDC had earlier in the day descended upon the McPherson factory after a several month old investigation and shut them down because their soundholes were toxic.
I then uploaded the page onto my server so it was in fact live on the internet, and then I called Dylan and acted like "DUDE, Did you see the news". I sent him a link via email to the page (luckily he wasn't very web savvy at the time so he didn't catch on to the goofy url) and he was pretty freaked out for a bit.
Sheesh! If you can shoot at yourself and miss, you have some serious issues. Not like you can hide from your own dang self. Next time he should get a shotgun!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.