Pambo suffered a foot injury... broke one toe, sprained 2 others. She left early for the Dr. on Tuesday and has had other stuff going on all week. As for me, my Tuesday started off in the toilet and managed to go down hill from there. I'm pretty tough, but by 10 AM on Tuesday I was breaking a cardinal rule of my work life... I was actually tearing up in the workplace from stress. I have a no crying rule.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Pambo goes on her cruise at the end of the month. Alas for me, it will be a while. I was called into a meeting earlier today with one of the groups I support. Jist of that meeting is that they are planning to double in headcount over the next 45 days in anticipation of the upcoming workload and want a plan as to how to handle the mass of trainees. The manager of that group pulled me aside after the meeting and suggested that he's in negotiations with my boss to change some of the aspects of my job to suit his needs. Gotta talk to Pambo about that because if things change for me, I'm going to get things changed for her too.
Thanks though, I'm much better today. I got several things worked out yesterday that removed a bunch of the stress. These job changes just might work out very well for both me and Pambo.
-- Edited by Mad Mema at 16:20, 2006-01-20
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mema - the weekend is near. Hopefully you will rest up and have a good stress reliver this weekend. I will drink for you and me both. I hope that helps. We did miss you guys this week though. I hope next week is at least back to normal.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Thanks Fuzzy! Actually... I'm off to go drink for myself. Me and one of the other "soon to have job changes" guys... we need to sort out the plan. And I need to send a text message to Pambo to see if I can get her to stop by so I can tell her about what's up.
I promise I'll try to be around more next week. I miss you guys!!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.