I give a giant two thumbs down to MR. & MRS. SMITH.
Sure, it's fun to watch Angelina Jolie beat the crap out of folks, hell, it's fun to watch Angelina Jolie do anything, but this was a bad movie in my opinion.
These supposed professional killers had no problem causing a scene wherever they went with ridiculously over-done shooting scenes.
Most bothersome to me was that as they were blowing up houses, shooting up stores, and going on car chases, they never ONCE encountered a police officer.
Apparantly the local police and fire were on strike.
This movie is a couple years old, but it is such an uplifting movie, I felt compelled to share it.
The move takes place during the depression and centers around 3 characters whose spirits were broken by personal tragdy and the circumstances of the day.
Chris Cooper plays a gentle trainer who is much more comfortable with horses than he is with people..
Toby McGuire plays a young man seperated from his family during the depression. He has a gift with horses and an ability to ride. He also harbors a pain and bitterness at having lost his family.
Jeff Bridges plays a character who is warm and engaging but also dealing with tragedy. He was a man who built wealth but also is dealing with loss and regret.
These men come together through a horse no one gave much of a chance either.
The photgraphy is very warm and the film is well made.
There is one scene with brief nudity during a brothel scene. It may not be appropriate for children.
The movie is so upbeat and heartwarming that I would highly recommend it.
If this were a movie I would not endorse< I would say....Hit Eject
A few weeks ago My fiance and I rented Into the Blue, we watched it with a bunch of friends and we all thought it was a good movie, very fun and exciting.
Its about treasure hunting and starts Jessica Alba and Paul Walker, some eye candy for the guys and gals!
We also watched Must Love Dogs, Which everyone also liked!
And I would have to dissagree with you darlin.. Mr. & Mrs.Smith was a good movie!
I think Mr & Mrs Smith was a good movie too! It seemed to have a little bit of everything.
We also watched Deuce Bigelow:European Gigolo. We figured it wouldn't be very good. That's why we waited until it came out on video. We still wanted to see it though. Just as we thought-it stunk! It was like they were trying to hard to be like the original and it lost a lot in the process.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
A little late since it's Monday - but I was sick all weekend and watched all kinds of movies. My ratings from most enjoyed to least enjoyed:
Kinsey - Great movie about the man who made the taboo subject of sex a topic of upper-study. A great window into a facsinating person. I think they did a good job of really investigating the work and the man before doing the movie, but definitely suggest watching the making of the movie (also on the DVD) afterward to hear what was real and what was artistic license.
The Wedding Singers (although warning, the DVD comes with two version - the movie version and the DVD version with cut scenes. I saw it in the theaters and the cut scenes don't add ANYTHING to the movie. In fact, it made it more choppy and less funny - I thought it would be stuff cut from the movie because it was too offensive... in reality it was just not funny and got editted out for that reason - stick with the movie version when asked).
Batman Begins - Great movie. Best of the batmans for fear and story content. I'd let my 8 year old watch the original Batman with Jack Nicholson... but this one had scenes too scary for little ones, IMHO.
Troy- Probably on par with Kingdom of Heaven, but easier to follow. All my reviews have to do with following the plot lines... maybe a weekend of being sick isn't the best time to watch movies you're going to review... maybe I was just watching them all in a fog....
Kingdom of Heaven - Again, hard to follow epic. But some beautiful scenes. And who doesn't like Orlando?
Be Cool - hard to follow the story line. I guess I just didn't enjoy the characters. I think if you could find a character in it to enjoy, the movie would have been better.
It was weird to watch all these movies in a row... Orlando Bloom and even more so, Liam Neeson are really making the rounds in movies right now!!
The latest movie I've watched is The Mexican. I thought I wouldn't like it, and I loved it. It's not your typical run of the mill action movie, but it's not too downright silly. Brad Pitt plays a forced runner for a jailed mobster, paying his debt to him because Brad's character is the one who got the mobster sent to jail. Brad's character is definately not the type to be a runner, and his girlfriend, played by Julia Roberts, constantly gets in the way in him getting the job done. It's purposely cheesy in parts, especially when they are telling the story of the gun, The Mexican, that he has to go pick up. As long as you're not expecting a serious action movie, or slapstick-type humor, I think it's just a fun movie.