I have brown eyes. In the right light they have some green in them. I have brown hair. When I have money I usually but some sort of highlights or tint in it.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Brown hair, hazel eyes. My eyes change color with my mood. If I'm mad, they're green, if I'm happy, they're teddy bear brown. They are usually somewhere in between.
I've thought about dying my hair a shade darker or getting some lowlights, but my hubby is strongly against it, so I probably won't.
Nah, he prefers natural, even if the color would look better. He doesn't like it when I wear makeup either, but I still usually wear it to work and when we go out.
I have thought about getting those clip in hair things in some bright color, like cherry red or purple, just for fun sometime. Not like extensions, but the type that'll give you just a streak of color. That would be fun.
You know though Ray, it may sound weird, but from having met you, I think your hair looks great on you. Some people look great with salt and pepper hair, and I think you really pull it off.
blue gray eyes, and reddish blonde hair... My natural comor is super dark blonde though... it used to be really pretty blonde when i was younger though....
I'm a "dishwater" brown hair- when I don't colour it (w/semi perm.). My eyes are hazel - Mostly blue and green with flecks of gold and a bit of brown. One eye has the gold flecks making a partial heart.
Always smile ~ it makes everyone wonder what you're up to.
Well, when I finally grew hair it was white. Then it progressed to blonde. Over the years, it moved its way into that dirty blonde/light brown thing. Occasionally I find the gray ones along with a few red one. The eyes are a go between blue and bluish-gray. It depends on the season. Naturally most blue in the summer and gray-like in the winter.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Thanks Molly! I'd better pull it off cause I'm not doing the "For Men Only" thing. No dye job here. Unless I change my mind. I don't mind changing up the hair style. It's no longer short like the FFR family pic. It's a bit longer and now parted on the left.
My hair used to be dark brown. It is now salt & pepper. (not gray... platinum highlights ) My eyes are blue-gray. Depends on what I wear. But...nobody's really seen them for 2 years so they could have changed. Let's call 'em black because of the dark glasses.