This story reminds me of the episode on Married With Children with Al & the mean librarian when he snuck a childhood overdue back into the library to avoid the fine.
Obviuosly with a different outcome.
Library Book Overdue for 61 Years
A public library book issued in 1945 has racked up an overdue fees bill for $6,114 — but the book's borrower has had the fine waived.
"The Punch Library of Humour," borrowed from Rotorua Public Library 61 years ago, was recently found among family belongings in a house attic in the central North Island tourist city.
A building inspector recognized the significance of the book and, using the list of strict borrowing rules pasted to the front cover, calculated what was owed in overdue fines.
Home owner Marie Sushames was presented with the $6,114 overdue book bill recently on her 85th birthday, Rotorua's Daily Post newspaper reported Wednesday.
Rotorua library manager Jane Gilbert said she would be delighted to waive the charges in return for the privilege of displaying a book that has been "out" for 61 years. "It's certainly the longest overdue book I've encountered in my 16 years here," Gilbert said. "It would be very nice to have it on show," she added.
-- Edited by woo_hoo22 at 13:56, 2006-02-08
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"