Hey, I just realized. That makes the phone-in one a BONUS request! I'll have to point that out on air so all those folks that don't wanna call realize they could be getting an extra request that way!
Just remember though Molly . . . after you call in your request, send him and email to let him know he has a voicemail, then PM him to tell him to check his email.
I hate that I was on the phone, missed my requests and missed what JR said. Why do people insist on calling me? Don't they know that I don't really want to talk to them?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Now JR, we just gotta figure out a way to make the call in request system automatic . . .
"For .38 Special - Back To Paradise: Press 00001" "For .38 Special - Back Where You Belong: Press 00002" "For .38 Special - Caught Up In You: Press 00003" ........ "For ZZ Top - Velcro Fly: Press 08163"
The songs aren't numbered 1 - 8000, they're all over the board, One song I looked at has an ID of 15094, so they obviously are not in any particular order.
what a bummer , I wanted to send JR a note this morning with a few dedications but didn't have time before I left for work.
my first one woulda went like this- For all the FFR girls who didn't get anything but the best years of your ole' mans life and his paycheck , Heres Linda Rondstadt with POOR POOR Pitiful ME . think I'll request it now .