Has anyone seen the guys? It seems that it has just been us girls for a while now. I wonder if they all had to run out and buy their wives or girlfriends a gift or some other nonsense.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Actually I was looking at the web stats on my personal site and was seeing a TON of hits from some hacker's forum in Brasil. That made me a little nervous because when hackers hack something they like to show it off to their friends. I tried to go into it to see if I could search out my own domain name and find the posts, but it wouldn't let me register.
I couldn't find anything strange with my site so I just started watching the web server logs to see what file was getting hit. It looks like someone in their fourm found Ray's avatar on my server and decided to use it. Its the one he used quite some time ago that was the real picture of himself.
I renamed that picture so they will be getting a broken image for an avatar. Hopefully they will fine someone else's avatar and bandwidth to steal.
Yeah, I just found another site direct linking to my domain name lookup script. I didn't want to rename it because I'd then have to change all the links in my own site.
So, I just got done editing the script so when used it now says:
This site is using (My Business name) Web Hosting Domain Name Lookup Tool.
Then I left the lookup tool working, and on the bottom put: