lol, Thank goodness for MARCH OF THE PENGUINS, thanks to that movie there's all kinds of photo's of us guys. Woo Hoo, am I holding a semi-automatic weapon in that photo?
You tell me! LOL! Great now you're drunk and handling weapons!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Hey! I wasn't just invited! Who do you think brought the booze!
In that picture of me drinking my wine with a straw (I only resort to straws when I'm REALLY blotto'd) look how ratty my skin is starting to look! Clearly I've had enough.
And check out that server in the background? Could she BE anymore disgusted with me? (She wanted me)
Hey, did you ever stop to consider maybe I'm like Saddam? Perhaps I've hired dozens, even hundreds of look-a-likes to walk around as me to thwart any potential assasination attempts?