He's screwed. From this article I found about him, his lawyer says:
Glitter, 61, who has been held in Phuoc Co prison outside the city since he was arrested last November, has maintained his innocence, said his lawyer Le Thanh Kinh.
"He says he has not committed any crime," Kinh said Wednesday. "I will do my best to defend him," though he added it will be "very difficult."
I remember reading about this when he got arrested. BUT what makes me mad is the possible sentence is a slap on the wrist. OBVIOUSLY in Vietnam women (really girls) are not thought of very highly. Here- those charges would drum up a much larger sentence.
I'll take a quote from Morgan Freeman in the Shawshank Redemption and say those six years will be "The longest years of his Life"!! I heard they don't take too kindly to child molesters in prison.
he's a freak! i just don't understand the thinking! and i don't understand a parents' thinking when they take $$ over their children!???? simply put, he is evil. these kind of stories really make me sad and mad and disgusted!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)