Well this is Spring break and the kids are gone! YEAH! I am threatening the boy to shadow him in school on Friday if he does not provide me proof that he is 100% caught up in every subject. Of course I really want a day off to myself- maybe catch a movie or something fun. I have an early morning well kid check up to take E to at 8:45 on Friday.
So long story short- I am planning on being off all day Friday!
Well, since you asked and warned in advance we will have to see if Molly or JR approves. I feel confident that it will happen. Besides, you usually stop in and see us when you are at home any way.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm with you on the Kid's homework patrol. I never knew what was going on last year! This year our school is subscribing to an online service www.renweb.com. If your school doesn't have it yet, BEG!!! It's awesome. You can see your child's grades as soon as they're posted, It lists tardies, absenses, and homework schedule for the week. Each teacher's e-mail address is right there to click on. It's AWESOME!!
Of course, I always look at it here at work so I can't throttle my child in the heat of the moment. I have to remember to do it when I get in from work!