I was raised to believe that these ten suggestions will keep me a moral person. Granted I struggle with each one almost everyday, there are some that are easier than others. Seinfeld is trying to make me laugh and then he throws in GD and JC in the same breath. I guess I should learn to keep my comments/opinions to myself. But then it would not be me
well, I understand G-D, I used to get chastised every time I said it by my parents, but you also got upset over "s--t" used in a Matchbox Twenty song yesterday as well.
Ruby...I dont think you should censor yourself...I think what is interesting is 50 years ago, blue language was shocking and unacceptable...but with the bar continuously being lowered....now shocking is the norm and moral behavior seems to be questioned more and more often...
When they take God out of schools and 10 comandments out of courthouses (which are the basis for most man made laws to begin with), then the problem is going to be reflected in language.
Riggs has strived for this to be a family friendly type forum and radio station. I know of one member who plays this in her store. So, that is part. Plus I believe that cussing might have a part in everyday language, but I don't understand why they have to put it in music? I am a PRUDE I guess but that is ok!
personally, I am kind of prudish myself, Prince is about the only artist who is really "dirty" (Madonna was filthy but more sexual than actually spewing f-bombs) that I ever got into (and even then, I usually skip past his more NC-17 rated songs), and I actually think most gangsta rap music is garbage which is trying to be shocking for shocks sake. But I can take the occasional cuss word in a song if I'm not bombarded with it (like Gwen Stefani said "s--t" 100 times too many in Hollaback Girl but the occasional "s--t" here and there in a song is okay with me).
With Seinfeld, he really isn't that dirty a comedian. I would compare him more along the lines of Ellen Degeneres, who usually has an act that families can watch despite the very rare "f--k" or "s--t" in her live act (maybe 2 cuss words an hour) than the likes of Richard Pryor, Margaret Cho, early Eddie Murphy, etc... where it's impossible to find a skit where f-bombs aren't flying at you like daggers. I didn't hear the skit in question (was it one that he also had on his show, albeit a little less sanitized) but I barely think that one cuss word in his entire act suddenly puts him in a Pryor league (well, okay, maybe he's in Pryor's league in the sense of being a legendary comic, I meant content-wise).
I am shocked that Pimp song won the Oscar too, I thought Dolly was for sure going to take home the Oscar, but I guess they figure awarding a rap act the Grammy makes them look more credible and "cool".
I am all about freedom of speech...and there are varying ends of the spectrum....for the most part...Seinfeld is more of an observational comic and tends to work clean...
And I would gladly overlook a s**t, if it meant God's name wasnt being abused...I heard a comic say(dont remember which one) it was always more of a challenge to keep his act clean (it must be because it goes counter cultural). But everyone has different threshholds and limits.
Free speech is a right, but every right has reponsibilities. The First Amendment is an amzing political concept and the beatiful thing is everyone can agree to disagree
Well so you can understand my stance? That is why Britney and Christina turn me off. I LOVE music but do not think you need to sell your body to get your music across. It should sell on its own merit!
well, Britney and Christina are IMO, talent-challenged. Christina has a voice, but the material she takes is so bland and subpar, and Britney's fame is one of the biggest mysteries of the last 1000 years. She cannot sing, not does she write or produce, nor has she musically grown one bit since she was 16, yet she sells records and has become an icon. You can let the inner slut out and make decent music, like Madonna and Janet Jackson have shown, but Britney and Christina are just poor little rich girls who got famous because of the right agents and stage-parents.
actually, I think you can argue any 15-25 year old female pop star who either burst onto the scene because of TRL or Disney Channel. There's the likes of Lindsey Duff and Hilary Lohan (well, they're the same person, lol) just waiting in the wings as well. Whatever happened to the days where the pop stars were actually fun?
well, Gwen Stefani has sold a lot of records and had a lot of hits lately and she reminds me of a modern day Cyndi Lauper or something. Too bad none of the other mainstream female acts right now had her personality and fun
In other words. I make a mean catering here in the forum so I just want to make sure that I dont have to be "trampy" ( been called that when I was younger and prettier) in order to make sure that I dont have to have sexy men and women to serve it all to my friends here on the forum.
I think GOOD music is here to stay, it's disposable garbage like the TRL nonsense that is really what downloading is replacing sales for. Some artists like Green Day, Gwen, Weezer, Nine Inch Nails, Mariah, Coldplay, Bon Jovi and the sort who are still recording quality music are still thriving well in the download age, it's people like Lindsay Lohan and Ashlee Simpson who are really feeling the burn and it's partially their fault for recording such fluffy nonsense
That is very true ANF. Older people. like us, do not mind buying a whole cd. We are usually guaranteed to like most if not all of the cd. With those acts- not likely. We have the real money for the whole package, they have .99 for itunes!