Late Night Drive has a gig tonight...Once again taking our music to the masses. Does a hundred people count as masses? We have a new, female back up singer....something for the boys to look at. It doent hurt that she can sing too. Wish us luck...about 9:30 Central time.
We opened for a band called Contageous. As you can tell by their group name, it wasnt a Lawrence Welk cover band. They were a metal group and a pretty good one. We did about 40 minutes worth of material and our new singer, Jenny , did a nice job. I dont think she was nervous at all.
What was particularly nice is that there were alot of muscicians there last night and our music got a strong response. We do all originals and that is always interesting to see crowd reactions...its hit ir miss. People dont know what they like, they like what they know. I think our music translates welll to live performance and we can generally win a crowd over. But when musicians walk up and tell you they liked your set...just a little more wind under our sails.
No, I was wearing my groupie camoflage...I am usually pretty spent after playing, I put alot of concentration into things. It all flows through me, so I have to listen to make sure all the other group members are in tune, in time etc...It would take a special woman to revive me